Minutes of Meeting for August 24, 2017
- Call to Order: Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. He then turned it over to Barb and Susan for introductions. Bill told some cute jokes.
- Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barb counted 40 folks in attendance today with 2 new folks, one of whom joined us already. That is Paula who is Paul B’s neighbor. Paula comes to us from Germany originally. Welcome Paula! Then Barbara R. brought her neighbor Mary M. who hails from Wisconsin to see if she would like to join us and we are hopeful she will. Welcome Mary! We also welcomed Eva V. back, we hadn’t seen her in a little while.
- Vice President: Debi S. reports we have 116 and hopefully 117 by next meeting members!
- Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for the August 17th meeting were approved.
- Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt brought our memorial plaques in with Barbara Bertels name added. He also reports a total of $2,149.86 with $15.65 of that total in petty cash. Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Sunshine: Sandy P.: We are up to 7 weeks without anyone being sick people, that’s great!! Sandy also reports that she received an e-mail from Julie S and that George S. is home and recuperating nicely from his surgery. Let’s keep them in our prayers.
- Historian: Magda Q.: Magda reminded us to think about bringing in a little piece of our own history to share with the group. Magda also spoke about the memorial plaques and how every time they are brought in, she looks at them and remembers the folks that have gone on before us. It’s a lovely remembrance of those members. She also told the newcomers about collecting the tabs for the Ronald McDonald house.
- Philanthropy: John Z.: Walt will take over until John Z. returns. The “bucket” was empty so Maria D. picked it up and passed it around and we made a nice little collection for the Marana Food Bank – thank you Maria! 😊
- Hiking: Jim A.: No report as the hiking is over until fall
- Activities: Pam M.: See activities list below.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group
- Susan D. talked about Dorie’s attachment to last week’s minutes about Kate Smith and her rendition of God Bless America. If you didn’t hear her sing it, it’s worth looking up and listening to. Kate Smith was truly an American icon with quite a voice!
- Susan and Gene also went to the Saguaro Visitors Center off Kinney Road for their National Park Pass and found it to be really interesting and a beautiful place to visit.
- Bitsy asked if next week, we could bring some Cheerios cereal, Goldfish crackers and soda crackers as she will be going to the high school for the pregnant girls and also the girls that have had their babies and they can really use the crackers and cereal. Bitsy also collects the box tops for education like Sandy does.
- Magda had a great idea that we list what activities we do all the time so we can mark our calendars accordingly at least for these events. When we get a new activities coordinator, we can add to the list accordingly. For now, Bill E. will take care of the monthly lunches at The Station and Debi S. will take care of scheduling medical speakers every other month beginning in the “winter” when all our snowbirds are back. So please see 4th page to the minutes.
- Barbara R. went to the Wheeler Taft library last Tuesday thinking we met there every week but she ran into another group of seniors from Marana who invited her to their meetings and she in turn invited them to ours. At Wheeler Taft it is “come one, come all” to play games and cards there, they don’t break off into separate groups – all are welcome.
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P. had a real heartwarming thought for the day and a real “corker” of a joke.
- Adjournment: Bill E. ended the meeting at 10:17 AM.