Minutes of Meeting for October 19, 2017
- Call to Order: Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. He then turned it over to Barb and Susan for introductions. Then back to Bill and he then introduced the birthday folks from last week cause we ran out of time last week.
- Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barb counted 40 folks in attendance today. They welcomed newcomers John and Sharon Singer who we hope will become members. John and Sharon hail from the Chicagoland area. Joan was back today and will be with us for a few more weeks. So good to have her back “in the fold”.
- Vice President: Debbi S. reports 117 members.
- Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for the October 5th and 12th meetings were approved.
- Treasurer: Walt R.: He reports a total of $1,317.33 in the bank. Walt will be putting out some information about the upcoming Christmas party next week.
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Unfortunately, Janet Kels our founder, has fallen and broken her femur. She is in good spirits and doing well in rehab. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you via either a phone call or a card. Gladys is back at Mt. View Health Care Center and her son Joe tells Dorie that she will most likely be going into assisted living from there. Sadly, her house is just too big for her to stay in anymore. Again, a card or phone call would be welcomed. Barbara Romo continues to get better from her shoulder surgery and we hope to see her back with us ASAP and we can call Barbara and send her a card as well 😊 Jim reports that Lew McDonald has had a stint replaced and is doing well and that would call for another phone call or card 😊 Edna asked if anyone had spoken with Lily and unfortunately I just had another brain fart and can’t remember who said they had spoken with her and she has just been busy with doctor and dental appointments but she’s OK. Sorry about that. Our Elaine H. has been out with lots of doctor appointments too. Elaine and Ed are doing OK but Ed is going to have his hip re-replaced. Don’t have a date on that yet, more info later…..so you can call or send a card 😊
- Historian: Magda Q.: Didn’t have any history to report but is still trying to think of activities for us to do. Also reminded us about sharing our own personal history with the group. She also thanked everyone once again for all the pull tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House - So drink up people!! 😊
While we were on the subject of new activities, some ideas that were kicked around were a visit to the recycling center in Nogales, a wine tasting tour by bus, and a tour of the Marana PD. Kristi will check on the tour of the PD and if anyone else can check out a wine tasting tour and maybe Magda can check out the recycling center tour.
- Philanthropy: John Z.: No report but please give your ideas for our “Christmas giving” to John or Mary M. They will present these to the Board for disposition.
- Hiking: Jim A.: Hiking will begin again on November 1st. Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings.
- Activities: See activities list below.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group
- Val reminded the Christmas decorations committee of meeting at her home on October 24th to begin creating our always lovely table decorations.
- Jim A. hopes to have some nominations for Board/Committee members by November 2nd. See Jim or Mary M. with your nominee’s names.
- Susan D., told us of yet another telephone scam that was tried on her and Gene but this one was threatening. Susan called the police but there is little they can do. They do suggest you tell anyone trying to scam you that you have called the police and given the police the number they called from but it’s next to impossible to track these people down. Best advice, either don’t answer the phone at all if you don’t recognize the number or hang up on them immediately.
- Susan and Gene also told of an incident that happened to them this past week wherein they were leaving their home and within a block they saw a man down. They stopped to help and when the gentleman came to, he told them to look on his phone, that all his medical info was there. So, when Susan was talking to 911, she could tell them his history as well as what medications he was taking. Apparently, this is an app that is available on smart phones. Check it out folks, it could save your life! Well worth completing and having on your phone.
- A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR MARIE M.! Last week was birthday week so Marie, who always gets our cakes from Costco, had to travel way out of her way to pick up the cake last week. The bakery at the Costco we all know and love, is closed until November 1st, so the poor woman had to drive way far to another Costco to get our birthday cake last week. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU Marie for going above and beyond! 😊
- Thought of the Day: Sandy had a great one and as always, a joke that brought the house down. Sandy then told us that this coming Monday, she will be having a procedure because she needs a heart valve replacement. The procedure on Monday is to determine if she can have the surgery to be done up through the groin (best case scenario) or if they will have to crack open her chest (obviously worst-case scenario). We need to put our prayers to work people for Sandy.
- Adjournment: Bill E. ended the meeting at 10:21AM.