Minutes of Meeting for March 9, 2017
1. Call to Order: Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dorie led us in singing God Bless America. Bill then turned the meeting over to Susan and Barb. After Susan and Barb, Bill introduced the birthday folks and the ones that were in attendance told a little bit about themselves. He also reminded the birthday folks to stay after the meeting to have their picture taken by the birthday cake.
2. Hostesses: Susan D. and Barb L. Barb counted 51 in attendance today! Susan told us her daughter Margaret made it to Alaska safely and is settling in. We had a great big surprise today with our dear June S., coming to the meeting!!! It was so good to see her looking and doing so well. June thanked everyone for the well wishes, cards and prayers, telling us it helped a lot.
3. Vice-President: Debbi S.: Debbi reports we have a total of 111 members. Thank you so much Deb for making the extra copies of the roster and birthday lists for those who don’
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for March 2, 2017 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reports no change so we still have $2,757.83.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Well now Dorie’s husband John caught the “creepin crud” so he stayed home today. John is adjusting to his RA meds though so that’s a good thing. Elaine D., has been in the hospital with asthma problems unfortunately, so please let’s remember Elaine and John in our prayers.
b. Historian: Magda Q.: Told of when the group first got started how they had to set up all their own tables and chairs and all the goodies that they had for their meetings and it worked itself into brunch! It sounded like it was a lot of fun and calories. 😊
c. Busybody: Barbara J.: No report.
d. Philanthropy: Jim A.: said we gave 148# of food and $53.00.
e. Hiking: Jim A.: No hike this week.
f. Activities: Pam M.: See activities list below. Kristi told everyone how much fun the Arizona Opry was and the play at the Gaslight. [KSG1] Kristi also would like to give a great huge thanks to Edna, Linda and Bea who plan these outings for us. Thanks ladies so much.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
· Barb L. asked about how much interest there might be in visiting the U of A greenhouse and there was definitely an interest so Barb is going to set it up for the end of March. More information to follow.
· Sandy thanked everyone for the crutches, walkers, etc., and Val and Rich are donating Rich’s scooter. If you need anything like that, see Sandy or Tony.
· Richard R., recently joined LA Fitness and found that it doesn’t cost anything for seniors. that they are welcomed there and that they have equipment there that is easier for seniors to use.
· Bill E. says they will have us vote on the by-laws probably next week. Some of the things the committee will bring to us is that they want to drop the 40% necessary for a quorum to 30% and they have thought of a better way to nominate the “Member of the Year. This will all be discussed in detail at the next meeting.
8. Thought of the Day: Sandy gave us a lovely ending thought and a really cute joke.
9. Adjournment: Bill E. The meeting ended at 10:20 AM.