Minutes of Meeting for March 23, 2017
1. Call to Order: Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dorie led us in singing God Bless America. Bill then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan.
2. Hostesses: Susan D. and Barb L. Barb counted 42 members in attendance today! We had some guests today, Susie B. had her friends Meg and Larry all the way from “Big Sky” country, Montana and I brought my cousins Leslie, Audrey and little Charlotte, with me who are visiting from the Chicago area. We are having a great time together.
3. Vice-President: Debbi S.: Debbi reports we have a total of 111 members. Thank you so much Deb for making the extra copies of the roster and birthday lists for those who don’t have a computer.
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for March 16, 2017 were approved.
5. Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reports we have $2,668.83 in the bank.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Dorie reports her husband John is having surgery tomorrow wherein they are going to actually replace a knuckle – amazing! Hooray, our dear Bea is here with us today and on the road to recovery. Cheryl and Barc Walker however, have really been hit hard this past week. Cheryl was in the hospital for 5 days with breathing difficulties due to asthma and is now finally home but PLEASE do not call because it is very difficult for her to talk. Just send e-mail, text, cards and most of all prayers for she and Barc. Barc got the “creepin crud” and a bad cough and as if that wasn’t enough, he took a tumble while visiting Cheryl at the hospital. Thank God he didn’t break anything. Extra prayers please for the Walker household. Elaine B. is still “out of commission” due to a bad fall she took. We have to do lots and lots of prayers people please and thank you. Someone asked (and I’m sorry, I forgot who) how Joey L. was doing or if anyone had heard from her. I told them that I e-mail her occasionally to check on her but that Joey was having a lot of health issues. We sure hope she gets better soon and rejoins us. We miss our dear sisters and brothers when they aren’t with us. Gene D., is having his stitches out today from his hand surgery and Joanne R. had her second cataract surgery and it went well for her. As of this writing Rich R., was supposed to have a pacemaker put in on Friday but there was some issue with the insurance company so I’m not sure if the surgery went ahead or not. More on that later.
b. Historian: Magda Q.: Thanked everyone for the pull tabs once again, and then told us of events that used to happen “back in the day” with SCRCR. Things like fashion shows, a “sing-along” day (this would be good at the picnic), a favorite sports team day where they’d wear a t-shirt of cap of their favorite team. They’d play bingo and everyone would bring a “white elephant” (something from home you don’t want any more like a vase, or a statue or a cookie jar, just something you didn’t want anymore) and that’s what would be passed out to the winners. It sounded like so much fun that we elected Magda to organize fun things like that again for our group. Looking forward to that!! Thanks Magda!!!
c. Philanthropy: John Z.: No report.
d. Hiking: Anita: Anita reported that they hiked in Catalina State Park by Romero Pools which was a 6 mile hike up and back and quite lovely. They may go to 7 Falls next week, not sure yet.
e. Activities: Pam M.: See activities list below.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
· Jorge offered free tickets to the golf tournament at El Conquistador last week and Sharon S. thanked him for same. She went and had a great time.
· Elaine H. said she went to eat at Bianchi’s up on Tangerine and Thornydale and that the food was very good, big portions but kinda expensive.
· Barb saw Betty Bowlin last week at the store and they are doing “ok”.
· I think it was Gladys who said that her smoke alarm wasn’t working and that the fire department will come and install the batteries for you but you must supply the batteries. They will also install smoke alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors but you must supply them.
8. Thought of the Day: Dorie gave us a good ending thought and a really cute joke.
9. Adjournment: Bill E. The meeting ended at 10:17 AM.