Minutes of Meeting for March 2, 2017
1. Call to Order: Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Dorie led us in singing God Bless America. Bill then turned the meeting over to Susan and Barb.
2. Hostesses: Susan D. and Barb L. Barb counted 48 in attendance today and Susan told us Gene still wasn’t feeling well so please let’s keep him in our prayers. Barb reintroduced Bea’s sister-in-law Fay who is visiting from Michigan. Fay was here with us last year too and we hope to see her more often in the future like maybe moving here????
3. Vice-President: Debbi S.: Debbi reports but we now have a total of 110 members being as since Walt R. has taken in all the membership money, there are folks who decided for one reason or another not to rejoin us so we lost 11 members. Debbi will now put out a new roster and birthday list.
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for February 23, 2017 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reports a total of $2,757.83 in the bank.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Dorie’s husband John is doing a bit better with the medicine for the rheumatoid arthritis but it’s going to take some time to get used to it. Let’s remember John in our prayers as well as our dear June S., is still recuperating at home - please keep sending prayers her way as well. Dorie also sent a check to the Marchese family in memory of Joan last Friday.
b. Historian: Magda Q.: Magda didn’t do a report because we were going to have a speaker but she did thank everyone for the pull tabs. Magda also asked about Adria and was told the best one to check on about Adria is Jeanne L. but she heard that Adria has really bad allergies.
c. Busybody: Barbara J.: No report.
d. Philanthropy: John Z. John had no report.
e. Hiking: Jim A. said they had a very nice hike at Ventana Canyon and posted some beautiful pictures. Next week will be in Dove Mountain, Elmo Springs. Remember they hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:20 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and Coachline.
f. Activities: Pam M.: See activities list below.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
· Linda A. brought up the fact that at the “Tuesday Night Fish Fry” at The Station, only 13 people showed up and that they had set up two long tables for us that would have accommodated many more. People – we need to support The Station – they are so good to us plus if you say you are coming to something and can’t make it, please let whoever set the event up that you can’t make it in enough time so they can advise the venue of a smaller group. The folks that were there finally told them to take the tables and use them for other customers who were coming in and didn’t know where to sit cause they had used everything for our group and then we didn’t live up to our end of the bargain. We have to be more mindful of others and the work that goes into setting something up not only with the venue but with the person from our group (usually Pam M.) who sets these events in motion.
· Someone brought up the fact that most of the time, a lot of the birthday people don’t show up on “birthday Thursday” so Marie M who is our new “Birthday Coordinator” said she would call the birthday people ahead of time to remind them.
· Please check the Town of Marana website for information on the Ina Road closing, detours, etc.
· Bill E. said the By-Laws committee hopes to have information to us by our next meeting.
· Bill then introduced Dr. Alicia Gustafson who gave a very informative talk about bone health and answered our questions.
8. Thought of the Day: Dorie. gave us a nice ending thought and a cute joke.
9. Adjournment: Bill E. The meeting ended at 10:30 AM.