Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 3, 2015
- Call to Order: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles thanked Walt and Joann R. for the extra things they do for the group. Walt reminded us that Christmas gifts for the children are due at the next meeting.
- Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: A welcome back went out to those members who have been away for a while. We have a new member – Gloria K. Susan mentioned that she has the Who’s Who books for anyone who may need one.
- Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 113 members and 52 members attended today. Larry requested that members remember to wear name tags since we have many new people in the group.
- Secretary: Jeanne L.: Minutes of last meeting (taken by Kristi G.) were approved and accepted.
- Treasurer: Carol A.: Balance in treasury is at $1331.00.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Refreshments: Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
- Sunshine: Nancy P.: a.) Cecilia B. passed away and a collection was taken which will be sent to her family along with a card. b.) Phyllis R. is not doing well and her family is helping her out. c.)Don O. has not attended in a while and those members who have seen him report that he does not look well. Larry will check on his status and Nancy will also follow up. Magda reports that she saw Don and his son is assisting him.
- Historian: Magda: No new report. Since Magda and Armando were recently able to visit with their son in Washington DC, Magda shared information on some of the places they visited and how inspiring it was to her.
- Philanthropy: John Z. and (Mike T. absent): John reports $256.00 and 31# of food went to the Food Bank.
- Busybody: Gladys: Please inform Gladys if you are leaving for the holidays and if so, how to reach you.
- Activities: Rose M.: See agenda. Jim reported that the hiking group had 9 people who went to Brown Mtn. Next week an easy hike is scheduled for Madera Canyon. Craig S. commented on how enjoyable the hikes are especially with Jorge’s knowledge about the area.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Larry brought up the issue of our contractor’s list since he received some suggestions for additions to it. Walt will send out e-mails with the information. If anyone has a question about which contractor to contact for services they may need, please give Walt R. a call. b.) Val R. shared information about solicitors. A suspicious person came to her door and she called the police. The officer later thanked her for the report saying that the solicitor had no license and she was arrested. c.) Jeanne commented on the possibility of packages being stolen off of front doorsteps. Sad to say but we all need to be vigilant and proactive especially at this time of year.
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Two great thoughts of the day were shared by Sandy today! Iles gave a closing joke.
- Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.