Saturday, December 19, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 17, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 17, 2015
  1. Call to Order: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am.  a.) Iles introduced guest speaker Officer Kevin Litten from Marana PD who shared quite a bit of information about topics such as neighborhood watch (Next Door program), unwanted solicitors, and fraud issues. There will be a seminar at the Marana Municipal Complex on Jan 30, 2016 from 1:00-3:00pm addressing fraud. Detectives, IRS employees and postal employees will be on hand for that seminar. Also another Citizens Academy will start on Jan. 20, 2016 and last for 12 weeks. b.) Iles announced that this will be the last meeting for 2015. A thank you went out to Walt and JoAnn R., Val R. and those who helped with the Christmas party decorations (Edna, Magda and Mary T.) and to Jeanne L.
  2. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.:  Welcome to those members who have been away for a while. Barb and Susan expressed happy holiday wishes to all.
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.: We have 111 members and 51 members attended today.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L.: Minutes of last meeting were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer: Carol A.: Balance in treasury is at $969.00.
  6. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine:  Nancy P.: A thank you card from Kay P.’s daughter was read giving us an update on her condition. She is doing fairly well and is now at La Canada.
  7. Historian:  Magda: absent.
  8. Philanthropy: John Z. and (Mike T. absent): No new report this week. John will take a donation to the Food Bank tomorrow and report will be given at the next meeting.
  9. Busybody: Gladys: absent – no new report this week.
  10. Activities: Rose M.: See agenda. a.)Maps and directions are available for Cattleman’s  restaurant. Also there is a map of the new outlet mall. b.) Jim reported that hiking did not take place this week and it is also cancelled for next week.
  11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Iles shared the benefits of using the “Uber Car” if anyone is interested in a ride to functions/locations especially over the holidays. b.) Walt read a Christmas card from Janet K. which was addressed to the entire group. He also commented on the great turnout for the Christmas party on Tuesday. c.) Cheryl W. read a very gracious thank you note from Joan B. d.) Jim informed us that the Domestic Violence center sent thank you letters for the donations. e.) Joey L. commented on Craig S.’s talents as a handyman! f.) Val reminded everyone of the open house at their residence tonight. g.) Permanent medical disposal location at Foothills District Office – 7300 N. Shannon Rd. Phone 351-6311.
  12. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Two great thoughts of the day were shared by Sandy today! Iles gave a closing joke.
  13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM.