Saturday, November 21, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of November 19, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of November 19, 2015
1. Call to Order: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles then shared a few good jokes. He also asked that we have the induction of the board and person of the year named on the second meeting of the New Year on 1.14.16, which everyone agreed to. There will be no meeting next week. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Iles will be having a garage sale the weekend after Thanksgiving.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L.( Susan D. absent): A welcome went out to those members who have been away for a while and she wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Barb will be coordinate with Rose for another trip to the University’s hydroponic gardens. This was a big hit last time folks went.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 112 members and 53 members attended today.
4. Secretary: Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Carol A.: Balance in treasury is at $1626.00.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee is now $2.00 with free refills and pastries are 1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Nancy P.: Phyllis Rivas fell but she is doing better now.
7. Historian: Magda: No new report, but thanked everyone for bringing in the metal tabs from cans for the Ronald McDonald House.
8. Philanthropy: John Z.: No new report; will have more to report after Thanksgiving.
9. Busybody: Gladys: Please inform Gladys if you are leaving for the holidays and if so, how to reach you. Gladys asked for a motion to donate $150.00 to the Woman’s Shelter which was approved.
10. Activities: Rose M.: See agenda. a.) We were reminded to bring Christmas gifts in for children the week before the Christmas Party which would be December 10th. b.)Jim A. reported that 2 people from our group hiked at Dove Mountain on Wednesday along with other hikers. c.) Sue told us that she is involved in the singing of the Messiah which will be held at Christ Community Church located at Pantano and Canyon November 30th@ 7PM. You can go on for further information.
11. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) A motion was made by Ed D., to donate $150.00 to the Veterans Association and was approved. Alice R. made a motion to donate $150.00 to the Marana Food Bank but this was not approved by a vote of 13 for and 22 against. b.) Sandy told us that all the walkers and the wheel chair that she and Tony had been keeping were now out on loan. Bea, Elaine and Joey all offered more medical equipment for loan. c.) Richard R. asked for more bridge players and golfers. Please contact Richard if you have an interest in either activity. d.) Rose would like any members interested in being on the activity committee in 2016 to contact her ASAP as she would like to set up a meeting at Wheeler Abbot Taft Library. Let Rose know what times are convenient for you.
12. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: As always, Sandy shared a great thought for the day. She also thanked everyone for bringing in the “Box Tops for Education” and read us a thank you note from one of the first graders whose class had won $100.00 from these box top donations. Iles gave a closing joke.
13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned around 10:35 AM.