Minutes of Meeting of March 20, 2014
1. Call to Order: The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.2. Host/Hostess: Barbara L. and Sue D. welcomed members absent last week.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy B. We now have 92 members.
4. Secretary: Barbara R. The corrected minutes of March 13, 2014 were approved. Attendance was 63.
5. Treasurer: Carol A. The total in the treasury $1,831.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee and tea are $1.00 per cup. Pastries are $1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Betty B. is looking good and using a walker. A fruit basket was delivered during a visit. Stan S. may have a treatment Friday if he has a higher white cell count. His breathing is better and he is walking a bit each day. Suzette sends love to all and thanks for continued prayers. Lew M reported that the transfer to Life Care for Agnes was not possible Wednesday the 19th, but it may happen today. Eva V., visiting with son, will come to meeting next week. Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance
c. Historian: Magda Q is mourning the passing of her sister. Sue D. presented her with a huge bag of tabs, which a smiling Magda assured would be sent in April.
d. Philanthropy: John Z reported he delivered 21 pounds of food and a donation of $64.00 to the Marana Food Bank. He reminded us how far donated dollars go. $64.00 will buy 256 meals for the hungry. That should uncurl a couple extra dollars that we might contribute individually.
e. Busybody: Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn. On March 19th the hike was to Seven Falls, a 5 mile hike involving stone stepping to see the seven cascades. There were many others there, some enjoying the sun and freedom of bikinis and those seeking shade.
f. Activities: Joyce G. was brief mentioning that our snowbirds are starting to leave. Speaking for Jane B. “Is there interest in forming a bowling a bowling team/group?” The response sounded positive.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Lou M referenced the rapid growth SCRCR is experiencing as a contributing factor in the emergence of some grumbling that is not being handled face to face but sideways. He reminded us that the core of this organization is caring about and respecting one another. As simple a thing as giving those who have the floor our attention and silence unless you have something to contribute to their subject. The matter of refreshments going short on payment is another issue that must be addressed. Coffee was short by $17.00. b.) The committee looking into the matter of Granting Honorary Membership is chaired by Dick J. with volunteers Jorge A, Dorothy B and Alice F/K
8. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:10AM.