Sunday, March 2, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 27, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 27, 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L. and Sue D. welcomed Donna S and Val & Richard R. back from travels.  Edna’s son and daughter visited.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. We now have 90 members. 
4.       Secretary: Barbara R.  The minutes were approved.  Attendance was 60. 
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A. The total in the treasury is $1,756.00.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  A great coffee and pastry table greeted us at the Station this morning.  A tempting variety of pastries and coffee was offered at $1.00 each. 
b.       Sunshine:  Sandy P. found Shirley Mead’s address.  It is 7115 SW 84th Ave., Portland, OR, 97223.  Betty B remains in the hospital following back surgery.  She is receiving in house therapy to strengthen her right leg which she is having trouble moving.  Daughter says she would welcome visitors.  After a 5 hour Potassium infusion on Tuesday Eva Vigh feels a bit better.   Eva and Don V. will move to assisted living at “Amber Lights” soon.  Surgery went well for June S. She is at home recovering.  Stan S, in good spirits, says he’s feeling better.  He and Suzette are looking forward to a three week visit from a daughter.  Two other children will join them for this “Mini Reunion”.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian:  Magda will send the can tabs in March.  She thanked all and said “Keep them coming”.
d.       PhilanthropyJohn Z. reported that the Marana Food Bank received 43 pounds of food from the generosity of SCRCR members.  $ 22.00 dollars was also donated.
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.   On Feb. 26th two hikes totaling 6.5 miles, started from the back of Picacho Peak.  The first, led by Ernie, was 2.25 miles on relatively flat ground. The second, led by Jim A was a 4.25 mile hike using many climbing cables.
f.         Activities:   Joyce G. reviewed upcoming activities for March and further possibilities into to the year.   
7.    Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  a.) Edna put the “squeeze” on Larry L. to make the membership badges with materials she ordered.  (He graciously offered.) Thirteen members need badges. b.) Granting honorary membership was briefly addressed but further review is needed. c.) The SCRCR members attending voted to continue holding our Thursday meetings at The Station. d.) Lou M. and Mike T. briefly met with the Grace Church Minister and an amicable parting was accomplished without added monies. e.)  A flag pole is needed.  Lew M. suggested building our own.  We’ll check into it.

 8.    Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.