Minutes of Meeting of Feb 13. , 2014
1. Call to Order: The
meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Lou M. asked that the replacing of chairs and
tables not be left to only a few.
Everyone helping will make the task easier for all.
2. Host/Hostess: Barbara L.: Welcomed Joan T. back. Greeted also was past member Rosemary
accompanied by three guests.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy B. We have 91 members. As a reminder of unpaid dues, member names
were and will be called out in meeting.
Anyone having difficulty with dues issue call/see Dorothy.
4. Secretary: Barbara R. The
minutes were approved as corrected.
Attendance was 56.
5. Treasurer: Carol A:
The total in the treasury is now $1,796.00.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
Refreshments: Coffee and pastry are now a personal choice to bring and enjoy.
Sunshine: Sandy P. reported that Betty B’s scheduled back surgery has
been rescheduled again. The new date is
expected to be during the week of Feb. 16th at North West Hosp., Ed D. was at meeting today. Yeah!
Eva V. is having a check up this Friday, she is still very weak. Shirley M. is in Oregon with her son. When we can locate
an address we will post it so cards can be sent. Mary M. has the flu. Vi and Don are moving to assisted living at
“Amber Lights” on La Cholla. Don will be
89 years young at the end of this month.
Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill
or needs assistance.
Magda and Nancy reminded us about signing birthday cards.
Philanthropy: Dorie Z. reported for John. 32lbs. of food was donated to the Marana Food
Busybody: Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn. Last week JoAnn led
a beautiful 5 mile hike along Madera Creek in Madera Canyon . On Feb. 19th, a 6.6 mile loop hike going around Golden Gate Mountain is planned.
Activities: 1.) August will mark the 20 year anniversary of the
founding of SCRCR. Bob V. will head a
committee to plan a presentation. Interest sheet will be posted. 2.)
Barbara L. noted that members signing up for activities need to notify
organizers if unable to attend. Barbara
will try to arrange another tour with Dr. Rorback before the U of A Greenhouse
comes down in April. Fresh tomatoes and
peppers are available for sale on these tours. 3.) Dennis reminded us of the SASO Concert Sunday.
4.) Call Joyce for cell number to help find where group is in Rodeo
stands. She also mentioned activities
for future planning, over-night to Vegas, Miniature Museum and repeats of popular activities of the past. 5.) Iles mentioned the Tucson Miniature Car
Club Show the 2nd of March. Lots of toys
and Swap Meet too.
8. Group Concerns/Good of
the Group):
a.) Discussion regarding adding a new coordinator position to the bylaws
or incorporating in-meeting presentations into activities informally, brought
strong opinions and a need for further study.
9. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned
at 10:20AM .