Thursday, March 27, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of March 27, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of March 27, 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L. & Susan D. Guests welcomed were Iles daughter Staci , Barbara R’s son-in-law Dan,  Mary Ann from upstate NY, and Continental Ranch residents George and Julie.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. absent 
4.       Secretary:  Barbara R.  The corrected minutes of March 20, 2014 were approved.  Attendance was 66.
5.       Treasurer:   Carol A.  The total in the treasury remains the same as last week, $1,831.
6.       Co ordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  Coffee and tea are $1.00 per cup.  Pastries are $1.00 each.
b.       Sunshine:  Stan S. is feeling better each day.  He is walking the dog again.  Just short distances but that’s a big improvement in itself.   He feels this new treatment is working. Vi and Don V. are adjusting to their new home (the pent house).  They are still not quite settled in.  Joan M has been quite ill from a fall.  She also developed pneumonia and a blood clot in her lung and another in her leg.  She has improved now and is in rehab.  Her address is Joan Marchese, 1515 Barrington Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 601e69.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian: Magda  Q.  Absent
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z   Nothing to report.
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.     
Our hiking team has logged one hundred and eleven (111) miles so far this year.  The next hike is planned for the Wild Burro Trail.  Expect a 370 foot elevation.
f.         Activities:        Alice F-K reported for Joyce reviewing current and future activities listed in our minutes. 
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  a.) Val R. delivered page 9 for our ‘S.C.R.C.R. Who’s Who‘ album for everybody.  She is reworking some pagesShe has asked that in two weeks we bring our ‘Who’s Who’ album to meeting.  b.)  Iles reminded us about the Monster Truck Race (otherwise known as the Tournament of Destruction) happening this Sat., Mar.29th, at the Rodeo Grounds, 6th Ave. at Irvington.  Gates open for the Pit Party from 5pm to 6pm.  At 7pm the Show opens with our National Anthem.  Tickets are $15 at the ticket office or $13 at Merles Automotive.  For $5 more you can snag a ride in a Monster Truck.  Meet some of our SCRCR members at the ticket office at 6pm or call Iles cell, (520)404-5224, to see where they are sitting in the stands.  c.)  Jane B introduced Kathy Cleere, local attorney, who presented very interesting information regarding Estate Planning.  It was well received with questions asked and answered.  Materials were distributed if contact with her is desired.  d.)  Jorge presented a golf trophy to Val R. for her recent ‘Hole in One’ on the course.

8.       Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:15AM.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of March 20, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of March 20, 2014
1. Call to Order: The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Barbara L. and Sue D. welcomed members absent last week.
3. Vice-President: Dorothy B. We now have 92 members.
4. Secretary: Barbara R. The corrected minutes of March 13, 2014 were approved. Attendance was 63.
5. Treasurer: Carol A. The total in the treasury $1,831.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee and tea are $1.00 per cup. Pastries are $1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Betty B. is looking good and using a walker. A fruit basket was delivered during a visit. Stan S. may have a treatment Friday if he has a higher white cell count. His breathing is better and he is walking a bit each day. Suzette sends love to all and thanks for continued prayers. Lew M reported that the transfer to Life Care for Agnes was not possible Wednesday the 19th, but it may happen today. Eva V., visiting with son, will come to meeting next week. Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance
c. Historian: Magda Q is mourning the passing of her sister. Sue D. presented her with a huge bag of tabs, which a smiling Magda assured would be sent in April.
d. Philanthropy: John Z reported he delivered 21 pounds of food and a donation of $64.00 to the Marana Food Bank. He reminded us how far donated dollars go. $64.00 will buy 256 meals for the hungry. That should uncurl a couple extra dollars that we might contribute individually.
e. Busybody: Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn. On March 19th the hike was to Seven Falls, a 5 mile hike involving stone stepping to see the seven cascades. There were many others there, some enjoying the sun and freedom of bikinis and those seeking shade.
f. Activities: Joyce G. was brief mentioning that our snowbirds are starting to leave. Speaking for Jane B. “Is there interest in forming a bowling a bowling team/group?” The response sounded positive.

7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Lou M referenced the rapid growth SCRCR is experiencing as a contributing factor in the emergence of some grumbling that is not being handled face to face but sideways. He reminded us that the core of this organization is caring about and respecting one another. As simple a thing as giving those who have the floor our attention and silence unless you have something to contribute to their subject. The matter of refreshments going short on payment is another issue that must be addressed. Coffee was short by $17.00. b.) The committee looking into the matter of Granting Honorary Membership is chaired by Dick J. with volunteers Jorge A, Dorothy B and Alice F/K
8. Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:10AM.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of March 13, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of March 13, 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. 
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L. and Sue D. welcomed John and Dorie Z’s friends Cindy and  Donna 
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. We now have 90 members. 
4.       Secretary:  Barbara R.  The minutes of Feburary 27th were approved.  Attendance was 63. 
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A. The total in the treasury is $1,944.00.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  Again The Station presented us with a tempting and varied pastry table.  Pastries are $1.00 each.  Coffee and tea is also $1.00 per cup as always. 
b.       Sunshine:   Betty B is home getting a little stronger each day.  Her daughter will take them to Bo’s first visit with the psychiatrist.   Eva Vigh is feeling much better.  She may come to meeting next week.  Vi and Don V. have moved to assisted living at “Amber Lights”.  June S. was able to come to meeting today.   Stan S. says he’s feeling better, is even doing a little walking.  Two daughters are visiting.  Stan and Suzette say “Hello” to everybody.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian:  Magda absent.
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z had nothing new to report.
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.   On March 12th, our hikers traveled Phoneline Trail in Sabino Canyon. They took the tram to the top and hiked 5.5 very rocky miles down the mountain.  The next hike will be to Seven Falls, a 5 mile hike involving stone stepping to see the seven cascades. 
f.         Activities:        Joyce G. reviewed upcoming activities for March and April.  Members who attended Rillito Race Day, Marana Tour and Desert Museum Tour reported all were excellent experiences.
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  a.) Thirteen members received new badges.  Anyone needing a badge please email or call Larry L.  b.) Granting honorary membership was once more addressed bringing numerous opinions yea and nay.  Alice and Dorothy volunteered to form a committee to look into the effects of such action.  Dick J. will head the committee. c.)  With thoughts of founding member Janet K. a vote was called on a motion to donate $150.00 to Arizona Council for the Blind, Sons of Orpheus.  The motion passed unanimously.  d.)  Nancy reminded us there were birthday cards to be signed.  Edna created a handsome cake with a St. Patrick’s Day theme.  Celebrants were; Sandy P, Lily O, Rob S,  Edna C, John Z, Dorothy G, Janet K, Joyce G, Tony P, Carol A, Eva V.  e.)  Our new flagpole was built by Richard R.
8.       Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 27, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 27, 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L. and Sue D. welcomed Donna S and Val & Richard R. back from travels.  Edna’s son and daughter visited.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. We now have 90 members. 
4.       Secretary: Barbara R.  The minutes were approved.  Attendance was 60. 
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A. The total in the treasury is $1,756.00.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  A great coffee and pastry table greeted us at the Station this morning.  A tempting variety of pastries and coffee was offered at $1.00 each. 
b.       Sunshine:  Sandy P. found Shirley Mead’s address.  It is 7115 SW 84th Ave., Portland, OR, 97223.  Betty B remains in the hospital following back surgery.  She is receiving in house therapy to strengthen her right leg which she is having trouble moving.  Daughter says she would welcome visitors.  After a 5 hour Potassium infusion on Tuesday Eva Vigh feels a bit better.   Eva and Don V. will move to assisted living at “Amber Lights” soon.  Surgery went well for June S. She is at home recovering.  Stan S, in good spirits, says he’s feeling better.  He and Suzette are looking forward to a three week visit from a daughter.  Two other children will join them for this “Mini Reunion”.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian:  Magda will send the can tabs in March.  She thanked all and said “Keep them coming”.
d.       PhilanthropyJohn Z. reported that the Marana Food Bank received 43 pounds of food from the generosity of SCRCR members.  $ 22.00 dollars was also donated.
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.   On Feb. 26th two hikes totaling 6.5 miles, started from the back of Picacho Peak.  The first, led by Ernie, was 2.25 miles on relatively flat ground. The second, led by Jim A was a 4.25 mile hike using many climbing cables.
f.         Activities:   Joyce G. reviewed upcoming activities for March and further possibilities into to the year.   
7.    Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  a.) Edna put the “squeeze” on Larry L. to make the membership badges with materials she ordered.  (He graciously offered.) Thirteen members need badges. b.) Granting honorary membership was briefly addressed but further review is needed. c.) The SCRCR members attending voted to continue holding our Thursday meetings at The Station. d.) Lou M. and Mike T. briefly met with the Grace Church Minister and an amicable parting was accomplished without added monies. e.)  A flag pole is needed.  Lew M. suggested building our own.  We’ll check into it.

 8.    Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.

Minutes of Meeting of Feb 20. , 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb 20. , 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L. and Sue D.:  Greeted Janet Kells, a founding member.  Welcomed also was Mary, a guest of Jennette and Mike T.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. 
4.       Secretary: Barbara R.  The minutes were approved.  Attendance was 52. 
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A: The total in the treasury is now $1,756.00.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  Coffee and pastry are a personal choice to bring and enjoy at our Grace Lutheran Church meetings.
b.       Sunshine:  Sandy P. reported that Betty B. back surgery was successful.   Eva V. is improved but still weak.  Vi and Don will move to assisted living at “Amber Lights.”  The address is 6231 N. Montebella Road.  Access is off Orange Grove Rd.  Turn right at Corona Rd., then left.  June S. underwent emergency surgery due to an unsuspected blockage. Stan S. will have a more aggressive chemo treatment program alternating three weeks on and one week off. Your thoughts and prayers for all these members and their families are very much appreciated.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian:  Magda no report .
d.       PhilanthropyJohn Z.  reported no food was delivered this week.
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.   On Feb. 19th JoAnn led a 6.5 mile hike looping around Golden Gate Mountain.  Feb. 26th Jim A. will lead a 4.5 mile hike at Picacho Peak.  The latter part of the hike will involve using pull cables.    
f.         Activities: 1.) July will mark the 20 year anniversary of the founding of SCRCR.  Bob V. will head a committee to plan a presentation on July 10.

8.  Group Concerns/Good of the Group:  a.) Lou M. focused on the difficulties met at our new meeting place.  Among them are; maximum physical effort exerted for limited use time (tables and chairs), poor acoustics, interrupted meeting schedule, lack of even limited storage space for meeting paraphernalia.  A sense of temperament change among the members has also been noted.  For these reasons we will inquire of the Station café if space is available. Emails and phone calls as needed, will go out if there is a location change from Grace Church for the Feb 27th meeting. b.) Granting honorary membership was briefly discussed and tabled for future examination.  c.) Girl Scout Troop 362, addressed the membership, thanking SCRCR for supporting their “Troop To Troop Project” and sales in the past.  d.)  Jane B. proposed in house presentations could be listed in the activities schedule.  Joyce G., activity-coordinator agreed.  e.)  Edna will order and test equipment for ID button making.

 9.    Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.

Minutes of Meeting of Feb 13. , 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb 13. , 2014
1.       Call to Order:  The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lou M. asked that the replacing of chairs and tables not be left to only a few.  Everyone helping will make the task easier for all.   
2.       Host/Hostess:  Barbara L.: Welcomed Joan T. back.  Greeted also was past member Rosemary accompanied by three guests.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B.  We have 91 members.  As a reminder of unpaid dues, member names were and will be called out in meeting.  Anyone having difficulty with dues issue call/see Dorothy.
4.       Secretary: Barbara R.  The minutes were approved as corrected.  Attendance was 56. 
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A: The total in the treasury is now $1,796.00.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments:  Coffee and pastry are now a personal choice to bring and enjoy.
b.       Sunshine:  Sandy P. reported that Betty B’s scheduled back surgery has been rescheduled again.  The new date is expected to be during the week of Feb. 16th at North West Hosp.,   Ed D. was at meeting today.  Yeah!  Eva V. is having a check up this Friday, she is still very weak.  Shirley M. is in Oregon with her son. When we can locate an address we will post it so cards can be sent.  Mary M. has the flu.  Vi and Don are moving to assisted living at “Amber Lights” on La Cholla.  Don will be 89 years young at the end of this month.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.        Historian:  Magda and Nancy reminded us about signing birthday cards.
d.       PhilanthropyDorie Z. reported for John.  32lbs. of food was donated to the Marana Food Bank.
e.        Busybody:  Don’t forget to update emergency info with JoAnn.   Last week JoAnn led a beautiful 5 mile hike along Madera Creek in Madera Canyon. On Feb. 19th, a 6.6 mile loop hike going around Golden Gate Mountain is planned.
f.         Activities: 1.) August will mark the 20 year anniversary of the founding of SCRCR.  Bob V. will head a committee to plan a presentation.  Interest sheet will be posted.  2.)  Barbara L. noted that members signing up for activities need to notify organizers if unable to attend.  Barbara will try to arrange another tour with Dr. Rorback before the U of A Greenhouse comes down in April.  Fresh tomatoes and peppers are available for sale on these tours. 3.)  Dennis reminded us of the SASO Concert Sunday. 4.) Call Joyce for cell number to help find where group is in Rodeo stands.  She also mentioned activities for future planning, over-night to Vegas, Miniature Museum and repeats of popular activities of the past.  5.) Iles mentioned the Tucson Miniature Car Club Show the 2nd of March.  Lots of toys and Swap Meet too.
8.  Group Concerns/Good of the Group):  a.) Discussion regarding adding a new coordinator position to the bylaws or incorporating in-meeting presentations into activities informally, brought strong opinions and a need for further study.

 9.    Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.

Minutes of Meeting of Feb 06. , 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Feb 06. , 2014
1.       Call to Order:   The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2.       Lou M. asked that the replacing of chairs and tables not be left to only a few.  Three tables should be left up after games.  The meeting room, kitchen and restrooms must be left clean as found.  Everyone helping will make the task easier for all.   
3.       Host/Hostess:   Barbara L.: Welcomed guest/returning member Helen White.  Alice B’s daughter Debbie and son-in-law Mike said they understand, after visiting our last meeting, why Alice doesn’t want to move to Colorado
4.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B.  We have 98 members.
5.       Secretary: Barbara R.  The minutes were approved as corrected.  Attendance was 50. 
6.       Treasurer:  Carol A: The total in the treasury is now $1,478.
7.    Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments: Coffee and pastry are now a personal choice to bring and enjoy.
b.      Sunshine:  Sandy P.  Scheduled back surgery for Betty B. is Feb 12 at North West Hosp.  Medication adjustment may help ease Bo’s depression.  Ed D. is driving, may be able to come to next meeting.  Eva V. is still very weak.  Stan S. is awaiting results from CTScan.  He and Suzette, missing us, will get to a meeting when able.  Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.       Historian:  Magda Q thanked members for the can tabs. Keep them coming.  They will be sent in March.  She asked also that we take pictures for the photo album .
d.       PhilanthropyJohn Z. no report.
e.       Busybody:  Meeting at Point of Grace parking lot, Jim A. led the 5 mile hike Wed. Feb. 5th on Romero Pools Trail in Catalina State Park.  Next week JoAnn will lead a beautiful 5 mile hike along Madera Creek in Madera Canyon.  Expect a 600 ft. elevation gain.
f.        Activities: 1.) The next Gaslight performance will be on Feb. 13th.  Please let Alice know if there are birthdays or anniversaries being celebrated.  2.)  Barbara L. noted that members signing up for activities need to notify organizers if unable to attend.  Barbara will try to arrange another tour with Dr. Rorback before the U of A Greenhouse comes down in April.  Fresh tomatoes and peppers are available for sale on these tours. 3.) Jane B. reminded us of the Estate Planning presentation Mar. 27 by local attorney Kathy Cleere.     
8.    Group Concerns/Good of the Group):  a.) Jim reported there are new scams afoot.  One involves use of commercial copy machines and the loss of personal info. b.) BobV. was asked to put together presentations on the history of SCRCR.  c.) Magda will bring Album #1 for viewing next week. d.) Issues are rising concerning our new meeting place. Two scheduling conflicts have arisen prior to our first meeting; there is no storage space for our flag or meeting paraphernalia.  Members find the acoustics poor and lighting too bright.  Rental will be paid monthly.

9.    Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:20AM.