Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 23, 2014

Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 23, 2014
1.       Call to Order:   The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lou gave point to point driving instructions from Rock N’ Java to our new meeting place Lord of Grace Lutheran Church at 7250 Cortaro Road.  Our first meeting there will be Thursday, Feb 6 at 9:30 AM.  Lou held up printed banner reading Live, Laugh, Love saying he would like to hang it in our new quarters.
2.       Host/Hostess:   Barbara L.: Welcomed guests Burl and Susan.  Barbara mentioned anyone wishing to purchase Girl Scout cookies should see her.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. reviewed the Activities Calendar for the quarter. It has been emailed to the membership.  Dates will be firmed up as arrangements progress.
4.       Secretary: Barbara R.  The minutes were approved as presented.   47 people were present.
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A: The total in the treasury is now $1,378.00.  The 501C filing with the IRS has been completed with an assist from Joyce G.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket. 
b.       Sunshine:  Sandy P.: Eva V. has completed her last treatment which has left her feeling weak.  Stan has had his 1st treatment.  Scheduled back surgery for Betty B. on the 23rd of this month has been cancelled no reason known. Ed D is home after knee surgery. Please notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c.       Historian:  Absent
d.       PhilanthropyJohn Z. reported 24 pounds of food were delivered to the Marana Food Bank.
e.        Busybody:  JoAnn: Reported a fine 5 mile hike was had to Parker Canyon Lake Wednesday.  The Wine Tasting was enjoyed by all who took part in the final phase of the day’s activity.
f.         Activities:  a.) Joyce G. has sent out a schedule of activities. b.) Richard R reminded us that a few squares are still available on the Super Bowl Board. The Super Bowl Party will be at the Native New Yorker@ 3PM on Feb. 2nd.  Contact Tony or Richard for more details. c.)JoAnn said next weeks hike to Dove Mountain will be a 4 mile distance with a 450 foot elevation gain. d.)Larry will hold a Computer Group Class next week for all interested after the meeting. e.) The next Gaslight performance will be on Feb. 13th. Please pay Alice B. if you have signed up.
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) A question was asked about the fee for use of the Grace Luther Church space.  Lou said an agreement was reached for $40 per month. He asked for a motion to pay for the first six months, amounting to $240.  A unanimous vote approved the motion. b.) Joyce G. suggested that an additional $100 donation be made to (Vision Church) The motion was made and passed unanimously. Walt R. volunteered to write a thank you message to accompany the donation.  c.) SCRCR will meet one last time at Rock N’ Java on Jan. 30.  The following Thursday, Feb.6th the group will meet at Lord of Grace Lutheran Church. d.) Jane B. introduced Dr. Bethany Neuman, DVM owner of the Twin Peaks Veterinary Center who made a very informative and interesting presentation answering a long list of questions submitted by our members.  e.) Jane reminded us that in late March we will be host to a local attorney who will offer advice about Trust/No Trust decisions.
8.       Adjournment:  Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.