Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 30, 2014
Call to Order: The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM by Lou M. with the Pledge of
Lou M. thanked Lew MacDonald for the
email map sent showing location of Lord of Grace Lutheran Church. Lew presented a gift of a flag to be used in
our new quarters. It was certified by
Senator McCain to have flown over the Capital. Thanks were given by Lou to
Terry for courtesy extended to SCRCR by RockNJava. Lou gave notice that our
meeting on Mar. 13th will conclude at 11:30am due to a Pastors
Conference being held at the Grace Church.
Host/Hostess: Barbara L.: Welcomed guests, Alice B’s daughter Debbie and
son-in-law Mike.
Vice-President: Dorothy B.
There were 58 attending
Secretary: Barbara R. The minutes were approved as presented.
Treasurer: Carol A: The total in the
treasury is now $1,038.
7. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken
from the donation basket.
b. Sunshine: Sandy P.: Scheduled back
surgery for Betty B. has been postponed.
Ed D experiencing some pain post surgery. Stan has had a 3rd
chemo treatment. Suzette and Stan will
try to get to one meeting a month. Please
notify Sandy if you know of anyone who is ill or needs assistance.
c. Historian: Magda is feeling
much better, thanked all who thought of her while ill.
d. Philanthropy: John Z. no report.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: Reported 11 people
hiked last week on Dove Mountain and the Upper Catalina Trail.
f. Activities: a.) Joyce G. reviewed the February activity list, The
next Gaslight performance will be on Feb. 13th. Please let Alice know if there are birthdays or anniversaries
being celebrated.
Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) Dick called attention to need to assist Lily O getting to
meetings at our new meeting site. A bus
route is available but would cost of $50.00 for five or six months. Before a motion to cover the expense could
be voted on, Magda asked to volunteer the payment remembering how much SCRCR
has done for her over time. b.) Jim
reported on a new telephone scam.
Caller mentions an FBI Investigative Bureau. c.) Jane B reminded us
that attorney Kathy Cleere will present Trust No Trust Decisions information
Mar 27th. d.) Edna C. suggested we purchase the equipment to make
our membership tags. A motion to
purchase equipment was voted on passed unanimously. Edna also announced that a Board of Directors Meeting will be
held Feb. 18th at 6:45PM.
Adjournment: Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:17AM.