Thursday, March 15, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Mar. 15, 2012

1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes and some Arizona trivia followed.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: No new guests or potential members attended today. Dorothy G. was called upon to share some person information as she is another of our March birthday members.
3. Vice-President: Joan: We now have 82 members. Joan followed her report up with a cute joke!
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 37 members attended today. Minutes of Mar.8th were approved and accepted. Dick J. pointed out that Jeanne received at least 3 kudos last week for keeping members appraised of new developments and hadn’t entered that in last week’s minutes. So, it’s in here now!
5. Treasurer: Walt: absent – no report.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: St. Patrick’s Day potluck. Next week: Val, Richard and ?
b. Sunshine: Linda D: absent. Jeanne reported on the passing of Richard L. and the fact that Barbara requests NO flowers be sent. Arrangements are still TBD but at some point Barbara would like a memorial service at the Community Center. Members have offered their assistance with this. Jim reported that he saw Bonnie and she is weak; on oxygen and has a feeding tube. She is still in ICU. Linda A. will call this afternoon to check on Iris.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 44# of food went to the Food Bank this past week along with a check for $20.00. Dick J. and Lew commended Betty on the great job she is doing and Lew M. suggested that she receive a stipend for gasoline. This was discussed and a motion passed to award her $100.00 at this time. There will be further discussion at a future date re frequency of the stipend.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: absent.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details.
a.) Thunder Canyon Brewery for St. Patrick ’s Day on Saturday @ 4:45 PM. or 4:00PM @ Comm. Ctr. if you need a ride.
b.) Next Thursday the AGAM lunch will be at the Cattleman’s CafĂ©. Joyce will check to see if there will be a cattle auction and in that event, those wanting to attend should be there by 11:00AM.
c.) Joyce needs to know your choice of lunch if you are attending the Queen Creek Olive Mill on Apr. 3rd.
d.) Betty has only 5 people signed up for the next Gaslight Theatre performance. If she doesn’t get 20, the cost will be higher. She has seats available with her church group on Apr. 24th if anyone would prefer that. The cost would be $14.65 per person. Contact her if you are interested in the Blues Bothers performance –tickets are $18.50 each.
e.) Please check the events section of the agenda for information for carpool times. If you need rides, call Joyce or be at the Community Center at the appointed time.
f.) Dick J. will send out information on the Veteran’s Parade on Mar. 31st, in downtown Tucson. g.)Jim announced that the movies in the park have started, beginning with The Smurfs.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim has a booklet of information on Landscape Plants of the Arizona Desert which is available for free on -line by going to Google and entering the booklet name.
b.) Jorge reported on the hike of last week. It was 5 ½ miles long; no wildlife was spotted and there was no good place to eat lunch. 2 teenagers accompanied the seniors and others on that hike. Next week’s hike will be at Sabino Canyon.
c.) Joan M. wanted to know who to contact re getting a smaller trash can since she has trouble handling the large one. Answer – Waste Management!
9. Adjournment: Jim: Adjourned the meeting at 10:16 AM.