1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some good jokes with the group.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice (absent) and Dennis: No new visitors but Dennis welcomed the return of members who haven’t been present for awhile.
3. Vice-President: Joan: We now have 81 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 40 members attended today. Minutes of Mar. 22 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The treasury totals $1477.14.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Jeanne, Larry and Jorge. Next week: Al, Suzanne and Adria L.
b. Sunshine: Linda D: absent. Sandy covered for Linda today and told us that Alice K. is suffering from pneumonia. Bonnie is in rehab at La Canada and improving somewhat but requests no visitors. Vi shared that Bonnie has lost a lot of weight. John D. doesn’t think he is improving but Linda says he is! Mary Jensen is back at assisted living @ Desert Sun. Phone number is 544-4644 and her room is 4006842. For more information, contact Gladys P.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: absent.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details and changes. a.) Queen Creek Olive Mill on Tuesday. For those needing rides, please be at the Community Center prior to the departure time of 9:30 AM.
b.) Monday, Apr. 9th will be DeGrazia Art Gallery followed by lunch at Vito and Schlomo’s.
c.) Events will only cover 4 week periods in the agenda section since so many changes have been necessitated.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Joan M. needs a ride to Keno Hospital tomorrow for a 10:15 AM arrival. Any assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
b.) The Gaslight Theatre performance date will be changed and Betty will provide that information next week.
c.) Jorge reported on the hike which seems to have been pretty rough due to the first ¼ mile of steeper elevation and then the heat issue. JoAnn reported that there will be no further hikes until Fall.
d.) Richard R. wrapped things up with a funny story.
e.) Memorial for Richard Lebowitz to follow the meeting @ 11:00 AM with a brunch after that.
9. Adjournment: Jim: Adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.