1. Call to Order: Jim: The meeting was opened @ 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jokes followed. Our birthday members of the month shared personal information about themselves, thereby allowing us to learn more about each other! Thank you all!
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: No new guests or potential members attended today. A welcome back was issued to Lou M.
3. Vice-President: Joan: We now have 86 members, and most are paid up re their dues. Those that haven’t paid have been ill.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 45 members attended today. Minutes of Feb. 16th meeting were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is currently at $1492.67.
6. Coordinators’ Reports: a. Refreshments: Today: Dick, Sue and the birthday cake. Next week will be the St. Patrick’s pot luck!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Mary J will be moving to Desert Treasure and Linda D has the information for those who need it. Richard L. is not improving. Iris J. is at Life Care in room 133. She is getting physical therapy and trying to get off her oxygen. Bonnie is still in ICU and on a respirator – no visitors as yet. Susan’s son is in for a long recovery. Joan M. thanked everyone for the basket and cards – she did not have a heart attack and she is improving.
c. Historian: Magda: no report. She found Lynn’s obituary for the memory book. Val would like to get pictures of those who are not in the Who’s Who book, after this meeting.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: 104# of food went to the Food Bank this past week. Please bring peanut butter for the food bank next week. The Food Bank is sponsoring a dinner dance at Heritage Island@ Dove Mtn. It is $50.00 per couple and takes place on Apr. 14th - music, good food and auctions, etc.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: Requests dates that our snowbirds will be gone.
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details.
a.) The Wagon Ride event went well – 14 attended. Jorge got Kudos for switching to a different seat for this meeting! There is a signup sheet for those interested in the horse racing on Mar. 18th.
b.The next Gaslight Theatre performance has 2 signup sheets – one for the performance and one for dinner. Betty announced the Apr. 9th showing of The Blues Brothers at Gaslight Theatre. Please contact her if you are interested. Joyce would like those who need rides for events to contact her.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim informed us of the Marana High School play taking place from Mar. 14-16. Tickets are $8.00 each and may be purchased at the door. Contact Jim for more information.
b.) Gladys has programs from Lynn’s memorial service for those who didn’t get one.
c.) Janet K. suggested that each member write a short biography for the Who’s Who book.
d.) JoAnn has pictures of spreading Lynn’s ashes at Sanctuary Cove.
e.) The hikers have had three hikes since our last meeting and all went well. Next week the hike will be at a new trail @ Saguaro East – about 5.8 miles.
f.)Barbara H. asked for names of members who might be interested in joining a book club – contact her if interested.
9. Adjournment: Jim: Adjourned the meeting at 10:22 AM.