1. Call to Order: Jim: the meeting was opened by Jim @ 9:30 AM, with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then shared some pretty good jokes with us!
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice welcomed back Linda D., Jan P., Magda, Shirley, Vi and Don and JoAnn and Walt.
3. Vice-President: Frank : absent. Walt reported that we now have 88 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Aug. 25, 2011 were approved and accepted. 39 members attended the meeting today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Total in our treasury and with petty cash adds up to $647.40. Walt shared a funny joke – got a lot of laughs!
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Alice B. and Edna! Next week we will have refreshments provided by Dennis and Alice plus the birthday cake!
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Mary J. now has Cancer in what was her good lung. She is aware of the situation. She is presently at La Rosa which is on Ina and Sunrise Dr., in room # 219. The direct phone number to her room is 219-2118. Frank is currently undergoing daily radiation treatments and has been diagnosed with Merkel Cell Carcinoma which can’t be removed. Keep the prayers coming for these good people who are dealing with serious illness!
c) Historian: Magda: no new report except to remind us of the U of A football games, the first of which is a home game on Saturday.

Betty also told us that her church has a concession stand at the U of A games and it’s the best of all concessions stands!
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Thanked Gladys for taking over in her absence.
7. Activities: Carol A.:
a.) The AGAM luncheon today will be at Native New Yorker.
b.) Carol reminded us that the meeting on Oct. 20th will be held at Crossroads Park at the usual meeting time and it’s a pot luck picnic.
c.) Tomorrow there is dinner at the Steak Out restaurant but the car pool time has been changed to 4:30 PM.
d.) Dinner at Bubb’s Grub was excellent – 8 people attended.
e.)Alice has more than 20 people for the Gaslight theatre performance!
f.) Edna reminded us of the Cookie Fashion Show on Oct. 27th and she is looking for volunteers. If she doesn’t have enough volunteers, she will be drafting people!
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim wanted to know if the group would like to hear general information on Home Health Care Services presented by Good Shepherd Home Care Svcs. This is not a plug for that particular agency but a general overview of the service. The group was in agreement that this would be okay. Jim will be meeting with them first.
b.) Election of SCRCR officers will be taking place sometime in October. Think about it and if interested in the role of an officer, start your campaign soon!
c.) JoAnn reported that the church Our Lady of the Desert on Picture Rocks Rd. will be having a rummage sale on Saturday starting at 7:00 AM.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 9:55AM.