Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 16, 2017

 Minutes of Meeting for November 16, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and we sang God Bless America.  Bill told one of his always great jokes.
  2. Hostesses:  Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 37 of us today.  There were no new guests/members.
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  We are up to 119 members!
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes were approved for November 9th meeting. Dorie took notes as Kristi was absent. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports we have $1196.66 in the bank.  Walt also says that close to 40 people have signed up for the Christmas party – we need some more bodies there, c’mon people, sign up for the party, it’s always a good time 😊
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    • Sunshine:  Dorie Z.:   Sandy is making a wonderful recovery and doing well.  She’s very appreciative of all the cards, calls and most of all prayers.  Gladys had more surgery last week.  We really must put those prayers into “overdrive” for Gladys, she has been through so much.  Janet K. is back at Handmakers and recouping nicely from her broken femur. Dorie thanked everyone for their prayers and to stay well. 
    • Historian:  Magda Q.:    No report.
    • Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report but John has submitted a list of charities for the board to review.
    • Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:  Hike this week was easy and short.  Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings. 
    • Activities:     Next cards/dominoes at library this Tues 11/28 10am-1pm
    • Joyce reported Edna has 10 seats left for AZ Opry;
    • Linda and Bea have 10 seats left for Gaslight at $20.48ea.
    • Joyce asked for interest in Archaeological sites; Festival of Arts & Tree Lighting 12/2 10-6 Oro Valley; Tucson Botanical Gardens; Tohono Chul Holiday nights; & Winter Haven (if interested let Joyce know). 
  2. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Rose M. is head of the committee to select the Member of the Year which will occur in early January 2018.  Please give Rose your thoughts of who you would like to see receive this award as soon as possible.
  • Joyce G. would like us to put our thinking caps on for different activities that you might like to do and give your ideas to her.  Things like day trips maybe, a day at the races, maybe a trip to a casino.  Think about it and get your ideas to Joyce please and a big thank you again Joyce for taking this on!  Much appreciated!!!!😊

  1. Thought of the Day:  
  1. Adjournment:  The meeting ended around 10:30 AM and about 30 of us enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Station.