Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 16, 2017

 Minutes of Meeting for November 16, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and we sang God Bless America.  Bill told one of his always great jokes.
  2. Hostesses:  Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 37 of us today.  There were no new guests/members.
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  We are up to 119 members!
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes were approved for November 9th meeting. Dorie took notes as Kristi was absent. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports we have $1196.66 in the bank.  Walt also says that close to 40 people have signed up for the Christmas party – we need some more bodies there, c’mon people, sign up for the party, it’s always a good time ðŸ˜Š
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    • Sunshine:  Dorie Z.:   Sandy is making a wonderful recovery and doing well.  She’s very appreciative of all the cards, calls and most of all prayers.  Gladys had more surgery last week.  We really must put those prayers into “overdrive” for Gladys, she has been through so much.  Janet K. is back at Handmakers and recouping nicely from her broken femur. Dorie thanked everyone for their prayers and to stay well. 
    • Historian:  Magda Q.:    No report.
    • Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report but John has submitted a list of charities for the board to review.
    • Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:  Hike this week was easy and short.  Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings. 
    • Activities:     Next cards/dominoes at library this Tues 11/28 10am-1pm
    • Joyce reported Edna has 10 seats left for AZ Opry;
    • Linda and Bea have 10 seats left for Gaslight at $20.48ea.
    • Joyce asked for interest in Archaeological sites; Festival of Arts & Tree Lighting 12/2 10-6 Oro Valley; Tucson Botanical Gardens; Tohono Chul Holiday nights; & Winter Haven (if interested let Joyce know). 
  2. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Rose M. is head of the committee to select the Member of the Year which will occur in early January 2018.  Please give Rose your thoughts of who you would like to see receive this award as soon as possible.
  • Joyce G. would like us to put our thinking caps on for different activities that you might like to do and give your ideas to her.  Things like day trips maybe, a day at the races, maybe a trip to a casino.  Think about it and get your ideas to Joyce please and a big thank you again Joyce for taking this on!  Much appreciated!!!!😊

  1. Thought of the Day:  
  1. Adjournment:  The meeting ended around 10:30 AM and about 30 of us enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Station. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 9, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 9, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and we sang God Bless America.  Bill had Iles tell one of his always great jokes.  Bill then turned the meeting over to Jim A., for the election of the Board Members.  There was a move made to accept the Board as presented and the move was seconded and passed.  Your Board is listed later in these minutes.
  2. Hostesses Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 46 of us today.  They welcomed back Donna and Betsy, Eva V., Richard B., and George and Julie who had a wonderful cruise vacation until they returned and George unfortunately took a bad fall.  He’s doing OK though – you can’t get a good man down! ðŸ˜Š
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  We are up to 119 members!
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes were approved for November 2nd meeting and Kristi read a thank you letter from the Florida food bank.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports we have $1,233.34 in the bank.  Walt also says that 7 folks have signed up for the Christmas party – we need some more bodies there, c’mon people, sign up for the party, it’s always a good time ðŸ˜Š
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    • Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Sandy is making a wonderful recovery and doing well.  She’s very appreciative of all the cards, calls and most of all prayers.  Gladys had to have some more surgery this week and at this writing, I’m waiting to hear how things went.  We really must put those prayers into “overdrive” for Gladys, she has been through so much.  Janet K. is back at Handmakers and recouping nicely from her broken femur.  Paul B. told us that at his last check-up, he is cancer free!!!  That is wonderful news Paul, we are all so happy for you!!!I spoke with June this evening and she is settling in very nicely in Boise.  She is with her son and daughter-in-law, but will be looking at assisted living facilities soon.  She is feeling much better out there so that’s a good thing!  Still miss her though.   Dorie thanked everyone for their prayers. 
    • Historian:  Magda Q.:    No report.
    • Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report but John has submitted a list of charities for us to discuss.
    • Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:  Hike this week was easy and short.  Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings. 
    • Activities:     See activities list below.
  2. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Sandy and Tony have a nice walker with a seat on it that needs a home.  If anyone needs a walker, please contact them. 
  • Rose M. is head of the committee to elect the Member of the Year which will occur in early January 2018.  Please give Rose your thoughts of who you would like to see receive this award as soon as possible.
  • Joyce G. would like us to put our thinking caps on for different activities that you might like to do and give your ideas to her.  Things like day trips maybe, a day at the races, maybe a trip to a casino.  Think about it and get your ideas to Joyce please and a big thank you again Joyce for taking this on!  Much appreciated!!!! ðŸ˜Š

  1. Thought of the Day:   Debbi gave us a great thought for the day and a great joke in Sandy’s absence.
  1. Adjournment:  The meeting ended around 10:30 AM and we all sang Happy Birthday to our celebrants and had delicious cake brought in by Cheryl in Marie’s absence.  Thanks Cheryl and Barc ðŸ˜Š

  • November 14th – Cards and games at Wheeler Taft Abbett library 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
  • November 16th – Lunch at The Station following cards/games.  Also, Val will be taking pictures of new members and please bring your “Who’s Who” so we can see what sheets you may need to make your booklets current.
  • November 28th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  • December 7th – Gaslight Theater “Christmas Somewhere”, beginning at 2:00 PM, a MATINEE folks, followed by supper at El Corral.  Please make your checks out to Linda Alam and for more information see Linda or Bea. 
  • December 12th – Cards and games a WTA Library 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
  • December 14th – Please bring in the unwrapped Christmas presents for the children in the $10 to $15 range.  This is the only day for this so please don’t forget.
  • December 19th – Christmas Party at Taste of Texas from 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
  • December 21st – Lunch at The Station following cards/games.
  • December 26th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  • January 4th – Either a pain management doctor or a pharmacist.
  • January 9th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  • January 23rd – Cards and games at WTA 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  NOTE new time.
  • February 14, 2018 – Arizona Opry.  More info to follow as time gets closer.

Agenda for SCRCR Meeting November 16, 2017

o   Lunch at the Station
o   Checking the “Who’s Who” booklets
Call to Order Bill E. President
Introductions: Barbara L.  and Susan D.                                                                                                   
Membership:  Debbi S. Vice President                  
Minutes: Kristi G. Secretary
Financial Status: Walt R. Treasurer
Sunshine Coordinator: Dorie Z.
Birthday Coordinator:  Marie M.
Historian: Magda Q.
Philanthropy Coordinator:  John Z.
Hiking Committee:  Jim A., Jorge A.
Activities Coordinator:  Joyce Grosso
Thought of the Day Sandy P.

If any SCRCR Members need an SCRCR nametag, see Larry L.


§  Every January mid-month a food collection of goodies and treats for the Marana Fire Department.

§  Every June mid-month a food collection of goodies and treats for the Marana Police Department.

§  Four times a year to the Gaslight Theater with dinner preceding the theater.

§  Every Spring a picnic instead of a meeting on a Thursday.

§  Every Fall a picnic instead of a meeting on a Thursday.

§  Every other 1st Thursday of the month Winter months only, a guest medical speaker from North West Community Hospital.

§  Every 2nd Thursday of the month will be birthday celebrations.

§  Every 3rd Thursday of the month will be lunch at The Station following the meeting and games.

§  Craig S. will give pinochle lessons to whoever wants them.  A big thank you Craig!

Minutes of Meeting for November 2, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 2, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and signing of God Bless American and then introduced our guest speaker Dr. William Ross a pain management doctor who was very, very interesting.  He gave a great presentation.
  2. Hostesses Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 42 folks in attendance today.  They welcomed back Barbara R., Joyce G., and Don and Kate H. who are back for a little bit then they are going away again for a little bit and then they’ll be back again!  Joan was with us today but will be leaving again but promised she’d return!  We sure hope so Joan, you are so missed.
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.   We are up to 119.
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Approved October 19 and 26 minutes at November 2 meeting.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports $1,253.73 in the bank.  See more Treasurer’s info below in Good of the Group.
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    • Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Gladys P. is now having heart surgery because she has an 80% blockage.  Let’s get those prayers going for Gladys and a full recovery!!
Our prayers worked for Sandy P. and she is home and resting comfortably.  She still needs more rest but would love to receive cards.
Alice R. had a seizure last week towards the very end of the picnic but she is doing much better now.
June S. made it safely to Boise and her son is going to hook up her computer ASAP so she can keep in touch with us and us with her.  June’s new address is:  12504 Tevoit Street, Boise, ID 83709. 
    • Historian:  Magda Q.:    No Magda so no report.
    • Philanthropy:  John Z.:   John reports $117.00 and 27 pounds of food for the food bank!  John also has researched some charities for our yearly Christmas giving.  He would like you all to think about these so when it comes time to vote, you’ll be ready.  (1) Interfaith Community Services which serves the diverse needs of seniors, individuals with disabilities and people in financial crisis.  (2) Habitat for Humanity  – giving a hand up, not a hand out.  Builds homes and operates a store that provides work for poor people. (3) Gospel Rescue Mission – Annually provides 165,000+ meals, almost 70,000 beds and clothing and necessities for the homeless and the poor.  (4) Shriners Children’s Hospital – Provides care for children regardless of parent’s non-ability to pay.
    • Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:    Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings.  First hike was great!  18 folks hiked, only 3 from our group, but Jim and Jorge are making many new friends as they hike along ðŸ˜Š
    • Activities:     See activities list.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • Bitsy takes plastic bags, old sheets, towels, blankets, etc., once a month to the Pima Animal Shelter.  She also collects tin cans for the No Kill kitty animal shelter so let’s help her out and our little critter friends too.  She also told of an organization Powwow I think it was where for $10 you can buy 60 pounds of fresh produce for yourself and to share with friends.  She has more info on that if you are interested.
  • Betty N. asked what she could do with all the leftover Halloween candy and was told that the Marana food bank would take the candy so if you have some left over, you can be sure it will be appreciated at the food bank.
  • Maria D. has a lot of sewing supplies fabric, thread, etc. she would like to find a home for.
  • Walt put out the sign-up sheet for the Christmas party.  Let’s be sure to do that people - we need to sign-up and then show-up.  Walt also reminded us that on December 14th which is the meeting just before the Christmas party, that we are to bring unwrapped toys for the children like we do every year, from $10 to no more than $15.
  • Val would like everyone who is missing pages from their “Who’s Who” booklets to bring them to the November 16 meeting so that we can update everyone’s booklets.  She still has that silver double hoop earring from the picnic that was found in the corn salad.
  • Jim A. introduced the members of the nominating committee, Cynthia D-M, Gail C., and Mary M., as well as himself and thanked them for their service.  I am adding the committee’s nominations to these minutes for your perusal and voting will be next week.  To that end, our dear Joyce G., said she would be the Activities Coordinator if 3 other folks would help her.  We cannot thank Joyce enough for stepping up to do, without a doubt, the hardest job of all the committees.  A GREAT HUGE THANK YOU JOYCE!!!! ðŸ˜Š 
  • I’d like to start a “shout-out” blurb to say hi to those folks who haven’t come to see us in a while due to various reasons.  Please know you are thought about and remembered and we’d love to see you when you can make it.  I’d love to list all the names of the folks I’m thinking of for this, but I do not want to leave anyone out and I’m afraid I’d forget someone so instead, I know you all know who you are, and just know we are thinking about you and miss you.

  1. Thought of the Day:   Peace and Love.
  1. Adjournment:   Bill ended the meeting at 10:36 AM.