Minutes of Meeting of May 12, 2016
1. Call to Order: Iles: Iles called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by our rendition of
God Bless America. Folks, we’ll never make American Idol but at least we try! Iles reminded the group about coffee, fruit and pastry charges. We are going to be running short in the “kitty” now that summer is here and our snowbirds have left us. Iles also spoke about our Board Meeting of last week and what was discussed that being dues will stay the same and we won’t be making any decisions about charities until the beginning of the fourth quarter. Iles then read off the list of May birthday folks and the only ones there were Magda, Larry and Iles. Ya’ll missed a great chocolate birthday cake by our wonderful cake maker Edna!
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb says we have another new member and that if anyone needs the extra pages for the member books she has them, just ask. Unfortunately there won’t be any pictures of our new members until Val and Richard come back in the fall. Barb also reminded us why we need to keep the dues up because we never know what might come up like we will be short all summer in the coffee/fruit/pastry kitty so we will have to take out of the account to make it up each week. Walt also brought to our attention that we need another plaque for the members who have passed away and that costs as well. So we have to keep the bank account solvent for any unexpected expenses that come up every now and again during the year.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 109 members now and only 36 were in attendance today.
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: Minutes approved. Kristi read a thank you note from Paul Bock and his family as well as a thank you letter from Marana Food Bank. They are so grateful for our donations.
5. Treasurer: Carol: No change from last week. Balance is still $2,663.00.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free. Fruit and Pastries are still $1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Sandy P. and Alice K.: Susan D. still recuperating, but getting stronger every day. Please keep her in your prayers.
c. Historian: Magda: Nothing to report.
d. Philanthropy: Jim took out 26 pounds of food and $63.00 to the food bank.
e. Busybody: Elaine H.: No report
f. Activities: Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Signup sheets for activities are available on the bar. b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know.
Monday, May 23rd: International Wildlife Museum @ 4800 W. Gates Pass Road @ 10:00 AM.
Seniors are $7.00 (62 and older). A group of 10 or more can arrange a guided tour for 50 cents extra per person.
Saturday, June 4th: Lisa Otey & The Desert Divas @ 3:00 PM @ Gaslight Theater in Oro Valley.
Monday, June 6th: Tanque Verde Ranch buffet lunch @ 12 noon. $25.00 per person. Car pooling.
Sunday, June 19th: Father’s Day Brunch/Dinner – location and time to be announced.
Wednesday, June 29th: Dinner @ Gringo Grill @ 5900 N. Oracle just south of Rudisill.
Saturday, July 9th: Planetarium & Laser Show @ 3:00 PM @ U of A. $8.00 for seniors. (PLEASE
NOTE: This date/time may change)
Senior Citizens and Retirees of Continental Ranch
8881 N. Coachline Blvd
Tucson, Az 85743
Kristi Goyne, Secretary
Monday, July 11th: Lunch @ The Parish on Oracle north of Orange Grove. New Orleans style cuisine. Reservation for 10 only so sign up quickly.
Tuesday, July 19th: Fish Fry @ The Station @ 5:00 PM. Reservation made for 30.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: If anyone can please let Larry know how George and Alice Rigney are – he has been trying to reach them to no avail. Also Iles wants us to be cautious if we use Sparkle Cleaners. They have some “new methods” of charging customers which aren’t quite fair.
8. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy had a great message and a cute joke to end the meeting.
9. Adjournment: Iles ended the meeting at 10:07 AM.