Minutes of Meeting of April 28, 2016
- Call to Order: Iles :
- Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb reported : 48 members in attendance. Susan Day went to Dr and is steadily improving, We had a visitor today who is interested in the group but will only be here until the end of May. But she will certainly be back when she returns to Tucson. Barb also welcomed back Jennette and Mike Titone who had been gone because of Jennette’s illness. Also welcomed back Ed and Elaine Dubsky who have been traveling. Jennette T. thanked everyone so much for the cards, letters and well wishes.
- Vice-Vice-President: Larry L.: 105 members Maria and Pedro Diaz joined making 107 members
- Secretary: Kristi G: Last week was the picnic so no minutes to approve. Iles asked if everyone enjoyed the picnic and thanked Cheryl W for organizing the “amateur show”
- Treasurer: Carol: Beginning Balance $2,820 checks for $23 and $30 leaving a balance of $2,771.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Refreshments: Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free. Fruit and Pastries are still $1.00.
- Sunshine: Sandy P. and Alice K.: Sandy reported: Elaine Hund who is not feeling well, but does not want phone calls, Jeanne L who was at picnic last week and tires easily but improving, Dorothy G who also was at the picnic and today’s meeting and has really improved since her bout with pneumonia, and Kristi G who was out sick with a really bad cold/flu. Mary Moody’s daughter notified the group that since her stroke she has gone downhill and they have called in Hospice. Prayers are appreciated. (and while we’re at it keep all in your prayers)
- Historian: Magda: She collected 21.42# of our tabs that she took to Ronald McDonald House. This amounted to 10 1 gallon glad bags. Keep collecting including big tabs from soup, cat food, and others. Magda challenged us to bring in more to reach a goal of 32# next year. It was suggested that people buy beer/soda in cans rather than bottles.
- Philanthropy: John Z reported that $82 and 5# of goods was taken to the Marana Food Bank
e. Busybody: Elaine H.: absent
· Activities: Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Signup sheets for activities are available on the bar. b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know. c.) d.) Only 1 person had signed up for Mother’s Day Brunch. Rose went through a lot of time and effort to get this set up at the Harvest Restaurant and has had suggestions for going to Taste of Texas instead. More people said they would go there. So the Mothers Day outing has been changed to a dinner at Taste of Texas at 5 pm.
· Wednesday, May 4th: Lunch at Scordato’s @ 4911 N. Stone – SW corner of River and Stone in shopping center near Steinmart.
· Saturday, May 7th: Kentucky Derby @ OIdfather Inn – 4080 N. Ina. Be there at 1:30 to secure tables, race starts at 3:30. Crazy Hat contest too – should be fun. Iles wants the guys to have fun too by dressing up. Look up KentuckyDerbyParticipants to get ideas of the clothing worn by men to the Derby
· Sunday, May 8th: Mother’s Day Dinner @ 5:00 PM @ Taste of Texas Restaurant,8310 N Thornydale. Located in shopping center @ SE corner of Thornydale and Cortaro Farms Rd
· Tuesday, May 17th: Fish Fry @ The Station @ 5:00 PM Amy and Clint are kind enough to keep the Friday night price for the fish fry for us. You don’t have to have fish, you can order off the menu.
· Monday, May 23rd: International Wildlife Museum, 4800 W. Gates Pass Road – Senors $7.00 (62 and older). A group of 10 or more can get a guided tour for an additional 50 cent per person.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: Iles offered some encouraging information for Seniors: According to Researchers at Stanford have found that 35% of our achievements come when you’re between 60 and 70; 23% came between 70 and 80; 8 % came after 80. Additionally 60% of the world’s greatest work has been achieved by those over 60. Addition: Kristi Goyne asked that members bring shoes they no longer need to the next meeting. She will take these to the rescue shelter who will turn these into money to pay for old and injured greyhounds
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Good inspiration and GREAT JOKE
- Adjournment:
- Minutes prepared by Dorie Zimmerman in Kristi’s absence.(and I’ve always been too wordy)