Minutes of Meeting of March 3, 2016
- Call to Order: Iles: In Iles absence, Larry called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Larry then introduced our guest speaker Dr. David Siegel, a hand, shoulder, and elbow surgeon affiliated with NW Allied Physicians at NMC. Dr. Siegel gave a very informative talk, albeit interrupted innumerable times by the fire alarm and then some music but he did a great job in spite of all the interruptions.
- Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb had to report that our Susan has been hospitalized in order to find out what is wrong and asked for our prayers for Susan.
- Vice-President: Larry L.: 103 members and 37 attended today.
- Secretary: Kristi G.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
- Treasurer: Carol: No Carol today so no treasurer’s report. L
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Refreshments: Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free. Pastries are still $1.00 each.
- Sunshine: Sandy P. and Alice K.: Alice reminded us that we will be celebrating birthdays next week – Yummy J
- Historian: Magda: No report.
- Philanthropy: No report.
e. Busybody: Elaine H.: Elaine is out ill too but asks that the new members be sure and give her emergency contact numbers and that all of our “snowbirds” let her know when they are leaving and if their emergency contacts are current.
f. Activities: Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Signup sheets for activities are available on the bar. b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know.
· Sunday, March 6th: Annual Collectible Toy Show from 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM @ Tucson Expo Center, 3750 E. Irvington Road. Show admission is $5.00.
· Thursday, March 10th: Immediately following our meeting there will be a Board Meeting. Feel free to attend.
· Thursday, March 17th: St. Patrick’s Day Party at the Elks Lodge. Cocktails @ 5:30 and buffet dinner at 6. Entertainment will begin @ 7. Cost is $18.00 per person.
· There is a SIGN UP SHEET for those interested in going to Mammoth to do the Zipline sometime late in March or early April.
· There is a SIGN UP SHEET for those interested in going to Casino Del Sol for lunch and gambling. We will need to carpool.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: Nada
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: No Sandy today L
- Adjournment: Larry ended the meeting at 10:30ish.