Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of March 17, 2016

Minutes of Meeting of March 17, 2016
  1. Call to Order:   Iles: Iles called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am followed by a joke.  He then asked for a moment of silence for our dear member Dianne who passed away suddenly this past Friday.  We took up a collection for her family as is customary.  Iles reported that Jim A. is in the hospital and we need to remember him in our prayers too.  All good thoughts and prayers to you Jim and Linda.
Dianne’s daughter Jade came by with information on the funeral arrangements for her Mom and spoke to us of how much Dianne enjoyed our group.  It was very brave of her to do this and she felt it was important to address us because her Mother enjoyed her Thursdays with us so much.  We will pray for the family for peace.
  1. Host/Hostess:  Barb L. and Susan D.:  Barb introduced to new visitors that we hope will become members – Joe and Tusing (sp?).  Barb reported that our Susan is getting better and is at home and being well taken care of by her husband Gene.  We will continue prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.    Good job Gene! J  Please no phone calls yet.  Cards are welcomed as are our prayers.
  2. Vice-President:  Larry L.:  107 members and 34 attended today.
  3. Secretary:  Kristi G.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  4. Treasurer:  Carol:  No report.
  5. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:    Coffee is $2.00 and refills are free.  Pastries are still $1.00 each.
    2. Sunshine:  Sandy P. and Alice K.:   No report.
    3. Historian:  Magda:  No report but thanked everyone again for the pull tabs for Ronald McDonald house.
    4. Philanthropy:  No report.
e.      Busybody:  Elaine H.:  No report.
f.        Activities:  Rose M. and Colleen T.: a.) Sign up sheets for activities are available on the bar.   b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose or Colleen know.
·         March 31st:  Rob from Desert Landscaping will drop in for a talk.
·         April Sometime:  There is a SIGN UP SHEET for those interested in going to Oracle to do the Zipline.  Jim Alam is coordinating this activity.  Sounds like a lot of fun!
·         Tuesday, April 12th:  Dinner @ Giuseppe’s Italian Restaurant @ 5:30 PM. Giuseppe’s is located @ 6060 North Oracle near Rudisill.  The reservation has been made for 20.
·         Tuesday, April 26th:  Gaslight – “The Rise of the Shiek” @ 7:00 PM; dinner at Little Anthony’s @ 5:00. Cost $16.00.  See Linda or Bea if you would like to go.
·         Saturday, May 7th:  Kentucky Derby Day @ Oldfather Inn @ 4080 W. Ina Road.  We need to have someone there at 1:30 to secure tables for us and the race starts at 3:30 PM. There is also a “crazy hat” contest which should be added hilarity.  Reservation made there for 20.
·         There is a SIGN UP SHEET for those interested in going to Casino Del Sol for lunch and gambling.  We will need to carpool.
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group:    Jorge brought up we should have a picnic before it gets too hot.  To be discussed in more detail later.  Iles also brought up that if anyone has any thoughts to any changes in the by-laws to speak to of one of the Board members about it.
8.       Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Carol A. read a lovely thought for the day.
  1. Adjournment:   Iles ended the meeting at 10:35 with a cute joke.