Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of August 27, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of September 3, 2015
  1. Call to Order: Iles : The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles requested a moment of silence in remembrance of Stan Stein.  A collection was taken up for Suzette and a card made by Sandy was passed around for signatures.  Iles then got us all laughing with a couple of jokes.
  2. Host/Hostess:Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb was not here today and Susan welcomed a new member, also a Barbara. 
  3. Vice-President:  Larry L.:  109 members and 37 attended today.
  4. Secretary:  Jeanne L. (Kristi G. filled in for Jeanne): Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Carol:  We have a balance of $2,048.00.  Carol said some lovely words about Stan and Suzette and said that we had collected $138.00 for Suzette.
It was mentioned that all you folks that aren’t here show up next time or there will be a $20.00 fine!  (Just kiddin’ – just wanted to see if you really read the minutes J).
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    1. Refreshments:   Coffee is now $2.00* a cup with free refills and pastries are still $  1.00 each
    2. Sunshine:  Nancy P.:  Not at the meeting
    3. Historian:Magda:  Not at the meeting
    4. Philanthropy:  Walt is still going to wait until there is more food and/or money before making a trip to the Pantry.
  2. Busybody:  Gladys: Nothing new to report.
  3. Activities: Rose M.: a.) Sign-up sheets for activities are available. b.) If any members have suggestions about activities, please let Rose know.
  4. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: There will be an open house this Saturday September 5th at the Snap workout facility on Silver Bell beginning at 9:00 AM.  This is to showcase their recently remodeled facility.  It reopens to the public next week.
  5. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P.:  Sandy said that Suzette was very thankful for all the kind thoughts and wishes sent her and Stan’s way and she hopes to be rejoining the group very soon.  Sandy gave us a wonderful thought for the day followed up by some really good jokes.
  6. Adjournment: Iles ended the meeting at 9:53.
The SCRCR held a board meeting after our regular meeting.