Minutes of Meeting of Mar. 19, 2015
1. Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance, and then again shared some great jokes. Iles also announced that this meeting will be shortened due to the fact that The Station will be opening up to the public at 10:00 AM due to the U of A game.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Welcome back to Joan T. and Linda and all others who have been absent for a while. No new guests today.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 101 members. A new roster will be coming out in a few days.
4. Secretary: Jennette T.: Jeanne L. covered today for Jennette who has been ill. Minutes of 03/12/15 were approved and accepted. 41 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Carol: Reported that the total treasury amount is at $2,226.00. $106.00 and 6# of food went to the Marana Food Bank so far this month. Carol also has 3 tickets for the Senior golf tournament which are free to anyone interested.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each
b. Sunshine: Nancy P a.) Tressie S. was in hospital for a couple of days but she is at home now and doing well. b.) Lily O. will be at Life Care Center in Rm 1134 for a few more weeks subsequent to a fracture in her left leg.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: John Z.: No further report today.
e. Busybody: Yvonne C.: Yvonne was absent today but Jim gave a report on the hike for this past week which was enjoyed by all who attended. Next week the hikers will venture out to Parker Canyon Lake followed by a trip to the winery.
7. Activities: Rose M.: a.) Please check the agenda for the tentative schedule. b.)Linda A. has 3 tickets left for the April 21st Gaslight production of Robin Hood. Checks should be made out to Linda. The dinner will be at Little Anthony’s but the time is yet to be determined.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: No issues presented this week.
9. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Sandy closed the meeting with a couple of interesting “thoughts of the day”.
10. Adjournment: Isles: The meeting was adjourned at 09:52 AM.