Minutes of Meeting of Jan29, 2015
- Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. Then shared some jokes and stories.
- Host/Hostess: Barb L. Welcomed back Eva, Magda, Cecilia, Sandy and Tony. Barb told us about the Greenhouse tour yesterday and the free tomatoes. It was very interesting and enjoyed by all.
- Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 107 members. 50 members in attendance. Board meeting today was cancelled due to no quorum.
- Secretary: Jennette T.: Minutes of 01/22/2015 were approved and accepted.
- Treasurer: Carol: The report was presented in detail. We currently have a balance of $1,645. Annual dues need to be paid by the end of this month ($24.00 per member)
- . To date 70 members are paid.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
- Sunshine: Nancy P.: was absent. Gladys reported that Janet Kells sent thanks for the cards. She is awaiting an assessment in approx. 2 weeks for her upcoming surgery. She is at Handmakers and would appreciate cards and correspondence.
- Historian: Magda: will be sending tabs for Ronald McDonald house in March. She has collected over 330 tabs, thanks to local apartment complex collection jar and others.
- Philanthropy: JohnZ.: brought 100 lbs of food and $45.00 cash to Marana Food Bank .
- Busybody: Gladys P.: If there are any changes in a member’s emergency information, please let Gladys know.
- Activities: Rose M.: Reported a good time was had by all at dinner at Guiseppe’s on Friday. Reported the Rodeo Museum trip was very interesting. Upcoming activities include Super Bowl Sunday at Native and Valentines Day at Hooters. Gaslite Theater is on 2/18/15 at 7pm. With A pre show dinner at BJs restaurant (near Craycroft & Broadway) at 5pm. See agenda for more upcoming activities and details.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.)Yvonne reported on yesterday’s hikes at Canyon Loop and Romero Ruins. See Yvonne’s blog for details of the hikes. b.) today is the "show appreciation lunch" here at the Station at 11:30. c.) Reminder- Dispose a-med prescription drug take back event by Marana Police Dept. on Feb 14, 2015 10am to Noon at 3901 W Ina Rd. near Target.
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: Reminded all she is collecting box tops for various schools (please keep them coming). Sandy closed the meeting with a "thought".
- Adjournment: Iles: The meeting was adjourned.