Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 05, 2015

Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 05, 2015
1. Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. Made some announcements: Val is taking photos for new members later today. TEP is conducting a workshop at the Community Ctr on 2/18 at 5 pm. Girl Scout cookies order forms for Barb and Eva’s granddaughters are available . Then shared some jokes and stories.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. Welcomed back Lilly and Tressie. Barb welcomed guests Dorey and Steve Kraft (soon to be new members. Susan D. offered pick your own oranges at her home. She has 4 trees.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 107 members. 52 members in attendance. Roster to be updated.
4. Secretary: Jennette T.: Minutes of 01/29/2015 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Carol: We currently have a balance of $1,837.00 with additional dues collected. Annual dues need to be paid by the end of Feb.($24.00 per member). 73 members are paid to date.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
b. Sunshine: Nancy P.: Reported that Janet Kells is in the hospital. Stan Stein is not doing well. A card has been sent.
c. Historian: Magda: commented that she didn’t think we need a historian position . She is willing to hold the existing photo albums. Larry indicated the Board will address this matter shortly.
d. Philanthropy: JohnZ.: Nothing to report this week.
e. Busybody: Gladys P.: If there are any changes in a member’s emergency information, please let Gladys know. Also if you are going to be out of town for an extended period of time.
7. Activities: Rose M.: Upcoming activities include Valentine’s Day Lunch at Hooters. Gaslite Theater on 2/18/15 at 7pm with preshow dinner at BJs restaurant (near Craycroft & Broadway) at 5pm. Rillito Race Track 2/21/ and 3/14 (reserve a table) post time 1pm. Additional events in Greater Tucson Area(see Rose for details). See agenda for more local upcoming activities and details.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.)Yvonne reported on yesterday’s hikes at Golden Gate Loop. This was 6.5 miles easy to moderate. More dual hikes will be planned if possible for those seeking more challenging or easier hikes .See Yvonne’s blog b.) Reminder- Dispose a-Med prescription drug take back event by Marana Police Dept. on Feb 14, 2015 10am to Noon at 3901 W Ina Rd. near Target. C.) Birthday celebrations next week.
9. Thought of the Day: Sandy :. Sandy closed the meeting with“thoughtful and thought provoking” quotes.
10. Adjournment: Iles: The meeting was adjourned.
Board Meeting: Discussion of limiting number of Sunshine Baskets per person per year. Also review of historian position, relevance, maintenance of photos (media), and quantity. Larry will review and draft a proposal to changes to description and see what is involved to scan current photo albums. Reviewed all position descriptions for all board members. Board to meet on monthly basis.