of Meeting of May 9, 2013
1. Call to Order: Lou M.: The meeting was called to order at 9:30
AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. The signup sheets for additional activities
are now available.
2. Host/Hostess: Barbara
L. and Elaine B.: Mike and Jeanette T. have returned.
Vice-President: : Dorothy:
We have 85 members.
4. Secretary: Joyce: 36 members
attended today. SCRCR minutes of May 2 ,2013 were approved and accepted as
5. Treasurer: Carol: Treasury Total $1462.00 .
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: The coffee was
paid for from the donation basket. Some members also enjoyed a special
coffee or tea. If there is a pastry that you would like, let the staff know and
they will order it.
Sunshine: Tressie S: Betty B. had her procedure on her
heart. Barbara H. is still not doing well.
Don and Vi are both still having health problems. Jeannie M. is going to
have her surgery soon and would enjoy phone calls in the afternoon. Mary M.
will have surgery in six months. Elaine B.’s son is waiting for a lung
Historian: Magda: Magda continued to share her
transition into her 70’s. Turning 70 means peeing our pants.
Jim. Still collecting.
Activities Alice B. Please see the upcoming events in the agenda
for changes and details.
8. Group
Concerns/Good of the Group: Linda D. is riding in a 20 mile bike race on June
21,2013. Purpose is to raise money for cancer research at Roswell Hospital,
where 3 of her family members were treated. To support her by making a donation
go to http// rideforroswell2013.kintera.org or search for Ride For Roswell
2013. The next prompt is Search and Donate where you can enter her name and
follow the prompts. If anyone would rather, they can make out a check to Linda
and she will handle it.
9. Adjournment: Lou: Sandy read a
thought of the day. Lou adjourned the meeting at 10:03 AM.