Saturday, May 4, 2013

Minutes of Meeting of May 2, 2013

Minutes of Meeting of May 2, 2013
1.       Call to Order:   Lou M.: The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. The signup sheets for additional activities will be available next week. Suggestions so far are for: Genealogy, computers, poker, hand and foot, pinnacle, horse shoes. Reminder: send cards to Barbara H.
2.        Host/Hostess:   Barbara L. and Elaine B.: Guests today: Lou M.’s son, Allan and Susan D. ‘s sister, Amy. Val and Rich are leaving for Ca. Joan M. is heading to Pa. Pete M. returned today.
3.       Vice-President:  :  Dorothy:  We  have 85 members.
4.       Secretary: Joyce: 34 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of April 25 ,2013 were approved and accepted as amended.
5.       Treasurer:  Carol: Treasury Total   $1462.00. It was decided to take money out of the treasury to cover any shortfalls in the collection for coffee.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments: The coffee was paid for from the donation basket. Some members also enjoyed a special coffee or tea. If there is a pastry that you would like, let the staff know and they will order it.
b.      Sunshine:  Tressie S: Suzanne and Al H. Suzanne was in the hospital, but is doing better al is also doing better and they hope to back soon. The treatments are taking a toll on Don V. but he is doing better and has decided to continue the treatments. Vi is having significant eye problems with her eyes .Betty B. is have a procedure this morning to regulate her heart and  Bo is not doing very  well.
c.       Historian:  Magda: Magda informed us that she is entering her third menopause cycle as she celebrates her 70th birthday.
d.      Philanthropy:  Jim. Took 45 lbs. of food  and $188.00 to the food bank. Mark is still working on the website.
e.      Busybody: JoAnn:  
7.       Activities   Alice B.  Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for changes and details.
8.        Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
9.       Adjournment: Lou: Sandy read a thought of the day. Lou adjourned the meeting at 10:03 AM.