Thursday, April 26, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of Apr. 26, 2012

1. Call to Order: Jim (absent): Joan opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis: Rosemary C. has joined the group again. Welcome! Glad to see Susan D. and Mary J. today too!
3. Vice-President: Joan: We have 83 SCRCR members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: 38 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of April 26 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in the treasury is now $1291.94.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Today: Mary M., Shirley and Lily. Next week: Sandy, Tony and Don O. Thank you!
b. Sunshine: Linda D: Sandy covered for Linda today and told us that
  • a.) Bonnie is improving slowly. The decision was made to wait to send a fruit basket to Bonnie until Edna returns and then she will handle that. 
  • b.) Joan M.’s son will be in town later today. Sandy has been calling her daily and Bo and Betty have visited her as well. She is a little confused. For those who would like to reach her, Joan T. clarified that she is in room 105B.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: Betty: No food to the Food Bank this week, but she will be going this coming week.
e. Busybody: JoAnn: No calls from any members this week. If you need to reach JoAnn, please call her on her landline phone rather than her cell phone. 
7. Activities: Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details and changes.
  • a) Dinner at Bubb’s Grub yesterday was enjoyed by all. 
  • b.) AGAM lunch today is at the New Town Buffet. 
  • c.) A signup sheet is available for the upcoming Gaslight Theatre performance. Betty does not have prices as yet. She has 60 seats reserved, combining her church group and the SCRCR. The performance of The Three Musketeers was greatly enjoyed by all who attended and deemed to be the best one in a long time. d.) So far only 4 people are signed up for the Ostrich Ranch and Joyce suggested that those who are going meet at the Community Center to make arrangements for rides. 
  • e.) The Green Valley Farmer’s Market has changed the hours of operation for the summer to 8:30AM until 12:30 PM. Those interested in going to this event should meet at the Community Center at 8:30 AM rather than at 9:00AM. 
  • f.) Paul B. announced that there will be a farmers’ produce market in the parking lot at Walgreen’s and Rockin’ Java this coming Saturday from 9:00AM to 12:00 PM. They will be selling fresh produce. 
  • g.) Joyce is still working on arrangements for Mother’s Day. 
  • h.) Wyatt Earp Days will be on Saturday, May 26 – see change in Agenda/events.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group): 
  • a.) No issues came up specifically for this topic. 
  • b.) Joan requested that those members who have birthdays in April share some personal information about themselves with the group. We heard from Betty, Alice K., Alice B., and Don B. This was informative and very enjoyable. Thank you all. (This writer opted not to advertise your ages, etc.).
  •  c.) Jeanne read a very nice thank you note from Iris J. who hopes to return to the group soon.
9. Adjournment: Joan: The meeting was adjourned at 9:55AM.

======================UPCOMING EVENTS =======================
Wednesdays: TOPS (take-off-pounds-sensibly) group meets weekly at the center at 10:00 AM. Thursdays: Regular SCRCR meeting at 9:00 AM in the center, unless preempted below.
Sat. Apr.28: Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Farm. Lunch at a local restaurant or café. Car pool @ 9:00AM. Meet at Community Center.
Wed. May 2: Green Valley Farmer’s Market. 8:30AM – 12:30PM. Meet at Community Center @ 8:30AM.
Wed. May 9: Opa Greek Restaurant. Carpool at 12:30 and Lunch @ 1:00 PM.
Thurs. May 10: Birthdays.
Fri. May 11: Casino.
Sun. May 13: Mother’s Day Brunch. TBD.
Sat. May 26: Wyatt Earp Days in Tombstone. Details TBD.
Wed. May 30: Harvest Restaurant @ 5:00 PM.
Hiking: On hold until further notice. 
AGAM Lunches: Thursdays following games and meeting. 12:15 PM at local restaurants.
 Adjourn for Games: Please help with stacking of chairs and tables before leaving. Thank you!