2.Host/Hostess: Alice and Dennis welcomed back Joan T. as well as Dick J. and Sue R. Dick and Sue has a difficult drive back to Tucson On Tuesday in which they encountered the infamous dust storms. They made it safely!!
3. Vice-President:
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes of Sept. 29, 2011 were approved and accepted. 40 members attended today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury remains at $593.33.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Betty reported that refreshments were provided by Magda and Eva. Next week refreshments will be provided by John and Nancy L. We will also have birthday cake by Edna!
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Agnes M. is still a little under the weather but doing well overall. Paul B. recently had back surgery. The address for Mary J. is: Desert View Adult Care Home @ 6442 N. Treasure Dr., Tucson 85704. Her phone number is 400-6842. Questions were raised about Lily but no one had any definitive information re how she is doing.
c) Historian: Magda: Nothing new. She did give kudos to Bank of America for having a “Wall of Honor” for the military members.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 84# of food and a check for $70.00 went to the Food Bank this past week. Give Betty any APO addresses you may have for the military.
e) Busybody: Remember to give your travel information to JoAnn.
7. Activities: Carol A.: a.) Vi reported in Carol’s absence that the AGAM luncheon is canceled for today. The Fashion Show is postponed until January.
b.) JoAnn gave us some information about the Sabino Canyon outing on Oct. 28th. Tram tickets are $8.00 per person and they accept cash only. There is a $5.00 per car parking fee but a Golden Age Passport will negate the parking charge.
c.) Gaslight Theatre Christmas performance will be “Christmas in the Big Apple”. The tickets are $17.40 each and payment is due by Nov. 10th.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Much discussion occurred re the Christmas party. Don B. will assist Joan T. in finalizing arrangements. It was agreed to have Gino’s provide dessert even though a small amount will be added to the price of the tickets. Joan gave Walt the contracts for the room, D.J. and the menu. The issue of door prizes is on hold for now but we will still request gifts for needy children. Joan said that Marana Schools sent a condolence card to her re Frank’s passing. A signup sheet for the Christmas party on Dec. 14th will be on hand next week.
b.) Elections for SCRCR officers will take place next week. Joan T. is willing be a nominee for Frank’s position as VP. If any member is interested in being nominated, please contact Larry or Carol.
c.) Bo will be hosting a sale for the Community Yard Sale (on Oct. 15th) so let him know if you have items to donate. Any items not sold will go to Savers. Also if anyone has blankets, jackets, etc. to donate for the homeless, Bo will also accept these for his church’s Faith in Action Program. d.) Jim commented that he and Linda have heard from their grandson who will be returning to Pendleton on Oct. 21st. Their grandson reported that he has many supplies which Linda suggested he leave behind for incoming troops.

9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.