1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
A guest from Sunflower, Dave Glicksman, informed us of a mystery trip that will take place April 1st through the 3rd. It is a 3 day, 2 night trip, the details of which cannot be shared. It’s a mystery! The cost is $495 per couple and $395 for singles. A deposit of $195 is required and final payment is due by Mar. 2nd. Arrangements may be made and more information obtained at the “sales table” in Sunflower which is open on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: No introductions this week. A welcome back went out to Mike R., Jorge, John and Nancy L.
3. Vice-President: Frank: We now have 81 members. Frank shared a very funny story with the group.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 48 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $1027.12.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Elaine and Val: Refreshments today were provided by Val, Richard and Ruth C. Next week Alice, Dennis and Mary M. will be in charge of feeding the group!
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Mary J. is currently at Health South and doing well. Lily will have her evaluation for returning home this week. Linda D. is doing well after her surgery.
c) Historian: Magda: absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 20# of food went to the food bank. Glasses went to the Lions Club.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: Emergency contact information is still needed for a few more members. She would also like cell phone numbers and these will be confidential unless otherwise designated.
7. Activities: Carol A.: Please check the agenda for upcoming activities.
a.) Six members attended the picnic. It started out rather chilly but warmed up as the morning progressed. Jorge will be in charge of the Columbus Park picnic in March.
b.) 29 members are signed up for the Mystery Theatre. Please submit your payments of $38.19. Car pool arrangements will be announced.
c.) Remember to sign up for the Mini-museum.
d.) Super Bowl time will be around 4:00 pm but Carol will be at the Native New Yorker at 3:00 pm.
d1.) 7 members have signed up for the Arizona Opry.
e.) Gaslight Theatre event has 36 people signed up. Dinner will be at 5:00 pm at Macayo’s. Car pool will be arranged.
f.) Ice hockey tickets are sold – 13 members will be attending.
8. Group Concerns: a.) Jim announced that the Flag committee is making progress. Plans will be submitted to the HOA Study Session on Feb. 10th @ 7:00pm. If the plans are approved then a campaign will be underway to sell memorial bricks for the monument. Hopefully, this project will be completed by Memorial Day.
b.) The Christmas Party committee agreed to keep the party at the ELKS Club this year. A motion was made, votes taken and this passed. Some modifications were made in the form of having a D.J., menu changes, earlier start time and coordinated rides. Dick J. encouraged everyone to start now with asking friends who might like to attend, rather than wait until later in the year. Jim suggested “dance cards” might be in order so that everyone who wants to gets a chance to dance!
c.) Mike R. has brochures for the upcoming Gem show.
d.) Frank has discount cards for IHOP.
e.) JoAnn reported that 6 people hiked this week and it seemed easier than last week’s hike. A meeting after the SCRCR meeting will determine the next 4 weeks of hiking. The plan is to have 2 levels of difficulty for each hike.
f.) Joan T. announced a new outreach on the part of the Girl Scouts and their cookie sales. For those who don’t want to keep the cookies for themselves, they may be donated to the USO. GS will take care of the mailing. A GS cookie chairman will be present next week.
g.) Val suggested an album with member pictures and names to facilitate each member knowing who’s who.
h.) John L. announced that 100 new “stackable” chairs have been purchased for the Community Center. New security cameras are in place which have high definition and should help to reduce the vandalism taking place, especially at Windmill Park. New fences will be going up around the pools which are 6 ½ ft high. Check the next newsletter for more information on vandalism and penalties. Three monuments have been finished and the remaining monuments will all be upgraded, including lighting on the main monument on Twin Peaks.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:25 AM.