1. Call to Order: Jim opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He then requested a moment of silence to commemorate the people involved in the tragic shootings of Jan. 8th, here in Tucson
2. Host/Hostess: Dennis and Alice: No introductions this week. Many members who have been absent were welcomed back today. Alice also wanted members to know that if they use cell phones rather than land lines those numbers will be listed as home phone and as cell phone numbers on the roster.
3. Vice-President: Frank: We now have 81 members.
4. Secretary: Jeanne: The minutes were approved and accepted. 55 members were present today.
5. Treasurer: Walt: The total in our treasury at present is $519.03. Walt gave us a yearly breakdown of expenses as follows: cakes $360.00; baskets $195.00; kitchen supplies $224.00; park deposit for picnic $20.00; postage etc. $152.80; misc $30.96. The Christmas party expenses were as follows: ELKS $250.00; dinner $677.96; decorations $123.78; band $350.00; programs, tickets etc. $59.96, for a total of $1451.74. $828.00 was raised for the party and $623.74 came from the treasury. We had a grand total of $1546.56 in expenditures for the year and income from dues was $1756.00
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a) Refreshments: Elaine and Val: Refreshments today were provided by Tony, Sandy and Gladys. Next week refreshments will be provided by Jeanne, Larry and Joan M.
b) Sunshine: Linda D: Linda is back from her knee surgery and wanted to thank everyone for their well wishes. She received no calls about other members. Betty stated that Don O. has been released from Health South and that Lilly is still in La Canada with a broken heel and ankle. She is wearing a boot and will be there for awhile yet.
c) Historian: Magda: Absent.
d) Philanthropy: Betty: 28# of food and a $20.00 check went to the food bank this past week. Year end totals on the donations are as follows: postage $278.96; 10 envelopes of coupons; 1038 lbs. of food; $477.00 in checks and $350. 59 in cash. Betty has a sign- up sheet for anyone who needs name badges. She suggested fines of 25 cents for each person each time they forget to wear their badge, with the proceeds going to the food bank. A motion was made and seconded and then a vote was taken and this motion was voted down.
e) Busybody: JoAnn: No new reports, but JoAnn would like to remind those who haven’t given her their emergency contact information to please do so.
7. Activities: Carol A.: a new agenda is out this week. The picnic scheduled for Jan. 31st has been rescheduled to Jan. 24th. Hockey games will not be scheduled on the agenda since there is a conflict with the last day of hockey and the Arizona Opry. Get your Opry tickets ASAP. Tickets will be $30.00 each if there aren’t at least 20 people attending the Opry. Sign up folders are available for all of the activities for this first quarter. The Mini Museum involves quite a bit of walking but there are places to rest. Lunch after that event will be somewhere in the neighborhood. Carol would also like to know if anyone has other ideas for the food at the picnics – pot luck or pizza, etc. Suggestions are encouraged.
8. Group Concerns: a.) JoAnn reported that 6 people hiked yesterday. Next week’s hike will be to Tanque Verde Falls at Reddington Pass. It is 4-5 miles long and the steep area will be bypassed.
b.) Jim announced that the flag committee will meet for a short while after the SCRCR meeting. c.) JoAnn also announced that all the Christmas cards have been distributed.
d.) Janet K. expressed the pride she has in this group at the way things are being run.
e.) Jim began a discussion on plans and ideas for next year’s Christmas Party. Input was received by the entire group and it was decided to form a committee to work further on this issue. The committee will consist of the following members: Dick J., Ed and Colette, Joan T., John D., Vi, Gladys, Frank and Richard R. Ideas from today’s meeting will be typed up and distributed to them.
f.) A vote was taken and passed for Frank to lock in a date for next year’s party at the ELKS and also for a band. These arrangements can always be canceled if other arrangements are made. Frank will check into nearby hotels and motels as other location options for the party.
g.) Carol reminded everyone about the football pool. There are 16 squares remaining.
9. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 10:50