Trips, Dinners, Appointments, and Other Noteworthy Events
2010 Officers: Jim Alam -- President; Frank Triumph -- Vice-President; Jeanne Lemieux -- Secretary; Walt Ross – Treasurer. Coordinators: Alice Behnke – Activities; Bob & Bonnie Vantrepotte -- Host & Hostess; Betty Bolin – Philanthropy; Jorge Anda & Linda Alam – Refreshments; John & Linda DiPalma – Sunshine; Magda Quiros – Historian; Gladys Pope assumed the office of Busybody in March.
January 7: 50 present. (1) Adria L was introduced as a new member. (2) Linda Pand Bill & Betty B were guests. (2) Lions Club members gave speeches about a possible chapter for the Marana area.
January 14: 42 Present. (1) Alice & Dennis returned from a visit to China. (2) Mary J. was in hospital after a stroke. (3) Twenty-four signed up for dinner at El Corral.
January 22: (1) Ruth C became a member. (2) Gladys thanked everyone for their concern over her hospitalization. (3) Former member William Taft Abbett died last week. One of his outstanding achievements was donating a million dollars to the library of his name.
January 28: (1) Beverley W and her mother became members. (2) John D. had surgery on his shoulder. (3) Don O. had more surgery than anticipated while in NMC. (4) Kay fell and broke her hip. (5) Edna suggested appointing a single contact for people who are in need of assistance.
February 4: (1) Betty Hess was introduced. (2) Al was having a growth removed from his face. (3) Frank Kells was not doing well in hospital. (4) Barbara Glaser was married and she moved to Idaho.
February 18: 36 present. (1) Agnes was home from the hospital. (2) Kay Peptis and Ruth Lombardo were still in rehab. (3) Seven hiked the Esperanza Trail.
February 25: 42 present. (1) Next week’s meeting was canceled for Zoo Day.
March 11: 44 present. (1) Sharon J was introduced. (2) YMCA members presented their proposed programs.
March 18: 33 present. (1) Changes to the bylaws were discussed and the amended copies were approved by unanimous vote. Jim thanked Edna, Alice K, Lew, and Larry for their help in creating the changes. (2) JoAnn had fallen and fractured her wrist. (3) Ruth is still at La CaƱada Care Center. (3) A good turnout at the Brewery enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day.
March 25: 41 present. (1) Cindy P and Sue were introduced. (2) Kay is back at home and Ruth is home with her daughter. (3) Frank Kells passed away.
April 1: 32 present. (1) $115 was collected in memory of Frank K. (2) Ed had his hip surgery and is doing well. (2) Bo’s surprise party will be this afternoon.
April 8: 32 present. (1) An additional $20 was collected for Janet.
April 15: 36 present. (1) Kay, Al, and Joan M. were welcomed back. (2) Agnes was home after another trip to ER because of convulsions and dizziness.
April 29: 33 present. (1) Ed is doing well after his surgery. Ruth L. is at Faithful Heart care facility.
May 6: 34 present. (1) Six boxes were mailed to the Armed Forces.
May 13: 30 present. (1) Papa Murphy provided pizzas. (2) Al is going for cataract surgery. (3) Sue and Dick returned home for the season. (3) The potluck at Frank & Joan’s was a great success. (4) Jim is getting a credit return for his solar heating.
May 20: 27 present. (1) A thank-you card from the Flying Tigers II was read. (2) Al’s operation was a great success. (3) Agnes had a severe reaction to medication. (4) A requirement for income tax return for small organizations was read.
May 27: 36 present. (1) Walt expanded on the IRS requirements for 501-C7 organizations. (2) Jim congratulated the efficiency of the recent Silverbell construction.
June 3: 34 present. (1) Margie and Roy G were introduced as potential members. (2) Jim has shingles. (3) 14 are going to the winery.
June 10: 41 present. (1) Eva V was introduced. (2) Richard L. was in NMC with severe back pains.
June 17: 42 present. (1) Dolores H and Molly J were introduced. Eva Vi became a member. (2) Grumpy’s are gone; welcome Jimmy’s.
June 24: 33 present. (1) Carol back from Alaska. (2) Dolores and Molly became members. (2) Richard now in Life Care Center and undergoing therapy.
July 1: 27 present. (1) Rich was back in Life Care Center after another spell in NMC. (2) Lots of people were missing and the meeting was adjourned after 10 minutes – a record!
July 8: 35 present. (1) Frank is in NMC with pneumonia.
July 15: 33 present. (1) Frank doing much better. (2) John L. reported that there will be no increase in HOA dues this year.
July 22: 39 present. (1) Janet was in TMC for tests. (2) Rincon Institute and Saguaro Park gave a presentation of the Park Neighbor Program.
July 29: (1) Agnes had carpal tunnel syndrome operation. (2) Janet was on the mend. (3) Jan P. was going for a CT scan for vertigo. (3) 18 went to Fortune Cookie for lunch and 13 went to the Outback for dinner. (4) Larry was elected to the HOA board.
August 5: 33 present. (1) The Andersons dropped in for a visit. (2) Don V. had pneumonia. (3) Janet is in assisted living residence. (2) The proposed Marana dump was discussed.
August 12: 39 present. (1) Arnie and Bea A joined the club. (2) Don V. was in La Canada for therapy.
August 19: (1) Barbara L. advised us that Rich was being removed from life support and a moment of silence was observed. (This was corrected later; it was Rich’s sister and she died. Barbara was distraught.)
August 26: 33 present. (1) Joyce G was introduced. (2) Don O. had hernia surgery. (3) A Sunflower outing was discussed.
September 2: 30 present. (1) Joyce G became a member. (2) A Sunflower representative gave details of their trip to Mesa.
September 9: 37 present. (1) 12 attended the Christopher Columbus Park picnic in 94 degree weather. (2) Joan M. asked for prayers on behalf of her granddaughter who is suffering from Myasthenia Gravis.
September 16: 33 present. (1) Rich L. doing OK at home. (2) Don was present after having knee surgery on Monday. (3) Jeanne took over roster duties from Lew.
September 23: 41 present. Membership is now 78. (1) Gladys asked members to provide emergency contact data.
September 30: 41 present. (1) Mount Lemmon Oktoberfest was enjoyed by a few members. (2) Edna asked for and got six volunteers for ballot counting.
October 7: 45 present. (1) Shirley thanked us for the cards and well-wishes she received on occasion of her mother’s death. (2) Agnes being absent, Lew remarked that today was their 60th anniversary.
October 14: 39 present: (1) Dick informed us of free dinners to veterans on November 11.
October 21: 42 present: (1) John Lambert and Larry Lemieux were elected to the HOA board. (2) 53% of members present today met the quorum requirements. Members unanimously elected to the SCRCR offices were: President - Jim; VP - Frank; Treasurer - Walt; Secretary - Jeanne; Host & Hostess – Alice K and Dennis; Refreshments - Val and Elaine; Supplies – Lind A; Sunshine – John and Linda D; Activities – Carol: Philanthropy – Betty; Busybody – JoAnn; Historian – Magda. (2) Disney on Ice was a success. (3) Alice K is taking over membership responsibilities.
October 28: 51 present. (1) Frank & Bobby M were introduced. (2) Charles I a former member is suffering from ALS disease. (3) Packing of military boxes took place. (4) About 30 are going to lunch at Tohono Chul. (5) Joan & Frank returned from China.
November 4: 39 present, membership 80. (1) Joan & Paul Bach joined. Barbara & John Crandall were introduced. (Barbara was former member B. Glazer.) (2) Iris’ mother passed away at the age of 106.
November 11: 43 present. (1) Wonder & Loring J joined and were introduced. (2) Magda has given a total of 92 lbs of pop-can tabs to Ronald MacDonald House. (3) Twin Peaks Road opens to the public on Nov-19. (3) Gladys mentioned that her son in Afghanistan distributed our military boxes and they were greatly appreciated.
November 18: 48 present. (1) Barbara & John C were welcomed and joined the club. (2) Barbara & Frank (?) from Sunflower were welcomed as guests. (2) Arnie had been hospitalized for pneumonia. (3) Ex-member Don Scholnick passed away some weeks ago. (4) Fifteen had lunch at Carabas. (5) John L. appointed Jim in charge of a committee to investigate placing a U.S. flag in the Windmill area. (6) Thanksgiving next week so there will be no meeting!
December 2: 50 present. (1) Colette was rushed to NMC for a new hip. (2) Barbara H. is having difficulty getting around after surgery. (3) Jim appointed Dick, Rich, and Lew to an ad hoc flag committee to be commenced in the New Year.
December 9: 46 present. (1) In view of the continued low turn-out for the Christmas party, Vi questioned whether we should have the same arrangement in future years. A show of hands convinced us to continue as is, and Edna was free to acquire the makings of the center pieces, which will be made by our crafts group. (2) Another show of hands was taken to see how many members would come to play games next week (no meeting). Enough said that they would. (3) Nine people hiked in Catalina State Park. (4) Christmas cards were distributed at the Christmas party and the remainder will be available next week. (5) Frank announced that he had enough gifts to be given to each attendee as door prize at the party and also to those members who had contributed toys even though they were not going to the party.
December 16: (1) No meeting, but about twenty members socialized and played games. (2) Next meeting will be held on January 6, 2001.