1. Call to Order: President Jim Alam called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim then shared anecdotes from”Church Bulletin Bloopers” and encouraged us to be flexible with our seating patterns at the meetings.
2. Host/Hostess: Bonnie and Bob Vantrepotte thanked Colette and Ed for filling in last week. They introduced Betty Hess who shared that she is originally from Ky. and is currently living in Continental Ranch with family. Don Osberg and John DiPalma were welcomed back after absences due to illness.
3. Vice-President: Frank entertained us with still another joke. He reported that we now have 79 members, 69 of whom are paid up with their dues. He stated that a new roster will be available next week.
4. Secretary: Jeanne made a correction to last week’s minutes: The SCRCR is not as yet officially sanctioned by the HOA. John Lambert is working on that. With the exception of this correction, last meeting’s minutes were accepted and approved. 44 members were in attendance. Please notify Jeanne if anyone has changes to the agenda.
5. Treasurer: Walt: Total in our bank account at present is $922.21 and we have $22.03 in petty cash, giving us a grand total of $944.21.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
6.1 Refreshments: Jorge and Linda A.: Refreshments this week were provided by Ed and Colette as well as Shirley Mead. Next week, Dennis and Alice Foster, along with Mary Moody will provide refreshments.
6.2 Sunshine: Linda reported that Don Osberg was out of hospital and with us today. Donna St. John, who was also present today will be having foot surgery next week. Kay Peptis is at Life Care Ctr. for therapy and is improving. John DiPalma was present and is doing well. Suzanne L’Heureux told Linda that Al is having a growth removed and will be laid up for a couple of weeks. Gladys reported on Frank Kells who is not doing well. He is suffering from a bladder infection which appears to have progressed to a septicemia. Janet may need some help in caring for him and any offers to do so would be much appreciated. Jorge reported that Barbara Glaser has married and will be living primarily in Idaho.
6.3 Historian: Magda : Photos are still needed from the first of this year to present. She pointed out the contributions made by John and Nancy Lambert re Neighbors Helping Neighbors which were made known via television and the paper.
6.4 Philanthropy: Betty was absent. No report.
6.5 Activities: Alice Behnke: See the attached agenda for events. Alice reported that one ticket is still available for the AZ Opry. More people are needed to attend the Super Bowl party. Christian Youth Theater is sponsoring a Senior Appreciation Performance of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers on Feb. 17th and 18th at the U of A Campus, Crowder Hall. Tickets are $5.00 each and times are 9:30 AM and Noon each day. For more information call Sandy at 751-7510.
7. Group Concerns:
a.) Jorge gave us a description of the Memorial Service for Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. , and said that many interesting things were discussed about his background and achievements.
b.) Joan M. reminded us that tomorrow is Women’s Heart Day and to wear red.
c.) Joann reported that yesterday’s hike was cancelled due to rain. A short meeting is to be held after adjournment to discuss hikes for the next few weeks.
d.) Jim told us that a letter was received from Marana Unified School District thanking us for the Christmas gifts.
e.) Alice suggested a vote be taken to determine whether we should meet on the day of the Reid Park Zoo outing for seniors. Jim said we would discuss it next week.
f.) John Lambert encouraged everyone to come to the study session on Feb 10th, 6:30 PM at the Community Center because the mayor will be there. The main topic is to determine which city services will be kept and which eliminated due to budgetary problems.
g.) Jim will meet with Edna, Alice F., Lew and Larry to discuss the by-laws and any need for revisions.
h.) Magda encouraged all to check out the Hotel Congress (lots of fun and great lunches) and the Fox Theater (fantastic renovations).
i.) John D. thanked everyone for cards and phone calls during his recuperation.
8. Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting @10:15 AM.