Sunday, November 4, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for September 27, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for September 27, 2018

Call to Order:   Bill E.  led us in the Pledge and then we sang God Bless America.   Bill then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan.
  1. Hostesses:  Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb and Susan report 32 in attendance today.  We welcomed back John and Barbara Crandall and Eva Vigh.  Nice to have you all back!
  2. Vice President:   Debbi S.:  We are at 118 members Since we have so many new people, it would be great if everyone (myself included) would wear their name badges so we can get to know you by name.  It was brought to my attention that so many aren’t wearing their badges so we kind of look at you with that blank stare that’s so prevalent in “older folks” when we know we are supposed to know you, but we can’t think of your name.   Ya’ll know what I mean. 😊
  3. Secretary:   Kristi G.:   Minutes were accepted.
  4. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Mr. Ross tells us there is $1,912.3 in the bank!   Please people, remember to put your money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much. 
  5. Coordinators Reports:
Sunshine Mary M.:   Mary told us that Nancy Weiss fell and has really hurt herself.  She has a broken rib along with a bleed on her brain.  So, she needs to be immobile for quite a while until she can heal properly.  Cards and phone calls would be most appreciated but please do not visit as that would make her get up and move around and she can’t do that just yet.  Let’s put Nancy on our prayer list.
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:   No report.
·         Philanthropy:     No report today.
·         Activities:  See activities listed below.  Note:  When you sign up for an activity, please let whoever oversees that activity know whether or not you’ll make it.  It’s embarrassing if you tell a place that 30 or 40 folks are coming to a function, so they set up for that, get extra help for that and then only 20 or so show up.    Please remember to RSVP if you are going to attend something and to let the person in charge know if you can’t make it.  Thanks.
  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • Bea told us that when she went to renew her driver’s license and wanted to get the new Federal license that you must have come 2020, she had some problems because her birth certificate was not a certified copy.  A certified copy will be embossed.  Here is the web address for you to check out what you need to get this new license plus $25.00 in this state.
  • Bill would like us to start thinking about different charities that we want to donate to at Christmas time and get those charities emailed to John Zimmerman.  Then get your votes for “Member of the Year to Jorge Anda.
  • Joanne Ross still has the “Who’s Who” books for the all the new people as well as Page 18 for anyone missing that one.  Val Roberts will take pictures of all the new folks upon her and Rich’s return.
  • Dennis Foster put out there that he is collecting your empty pill bottles for the Pima Animal Care facility.  They need them to give out to folks who may adopt or foster dogs/cats who may need medication when they leave their facility.
  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.   “I love the kind of hugs where you can physically feel the sadness leaving your body”.
Joke:  Today I will live in the moment unless the moment becomes unpleasant in which case, I’ll take a nap!
  1. Adjournment:  Bill E.: Bill adjourned the meeting at 9:59 AM.