Minutes of Meeting for January 25, 2018
1. Call to Order: Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America, then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan. Bill then acknowledged Jorge’s “Member of the Year” and a picture was taken, and Kristi will try to attach that to these minutes – key operative word here is “TRY” to attach. 😊
2. Hostesses: Barb L. and Susan D. Barb counted 50 folks today!
3. Vice President: Debbi S. Debbi says we are now at 118 members.
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: There was a motion to approve the minutes for January 18th meeting, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved.
5. Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt states we have $1410.66 of which $17.66 is in petty cash. Please remember to put money in the pot for coffee “and”. It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much. Speaking of the coffee shortage FYI – For the year, Walt had to take $488.00 out of the treasury. That’s $488.00 we could have used for a worthier cause, had we all put in our money. Let’s try to do better this year 😊
PLEASE NOTE – DUES ARE DUE!!! - It’s $2.00 a month or $24.00 for the year – not a bad deal folks for all this fun and great company!!!! For those of you who would prefer to mail in your dues, Walt’s address is as follows: Walt Ross, 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
· Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Dorie reports that Alice Rigney is home now and most happy to be there! Dorie hasn’t been able to reach Maria Diaz but will keep trying. We have been trying to get in touch with Marie as we thought she’d be back by now, but we found out that she has been ill and may even be in North West Hospital. We are waiting for more news from her daughter. Let’s keep them all in our prayers.
· Historian: Magda Q.: No Magda so no report BUT WE HAD TWO “histories” given today. First up was Sandy who talked about her and Tony’s upcoming 60th anniversary and the earrings she had on. These earrings are beautiful, and they were the first gift given to her by Tony. At that time the earrings were not for pierced ears but just “clip-ons”. Later in life, Sandy’s daughter talked her into getting her ears pierced. That year at Christmas time, after all the presents were opened, Tony told Sandy there was one more present for her. He went to the Christmas tree and took off the earrings that he had bought for her so long ago and presented them to her because he had taken them and had them “retooled” for pierced ears so that she could now wear them again. A wonderful story about love and thoughtfulness!
Our second history talk was from Susan and it was a very enlightened story of when she and Gene were in the Service and stationed in Germany. Susan had heard that there were so many different things to do there, so she and Gene decided to go to East Germany and “check it out”. At that time the wall was still up so they had to get clearance to go past the wall into East Germany. It was quite an ordeal, but they got their “Flag Papers” and went through Checkpoint Charlie into East Germany. They had guns pointed right at them at these stops and they were told not to engage any kind of conversation with the guards or anyone for that matter. Susan and Gene were taken aback when they crossed because it was like going right into the movies that we saw about how stark and black and white it was there. They saw no people, no animals, no “life” whatsoever. It was very bleak. They saw and experienced a lot but most of all they realized how good it is to be FREE and live in this country, the good old US of A as Archie Bunker used to put it. We all take too much for granted here and Susan and Gene sure bought that home in this talk. Susan has pictures as well if anyone wants to see them. It was a very interesting talk.
· Philanthropy: John Z.: John reported he took $117.00, 50# of perishables and 38# of canned goods to the Food bank. Keep up the great work folks!
· Activities: Joyce G: See activities listed below. NOTE: When you sign up for a luncheon or dinner, please let the people who are in charge of it know whether or not you can make the function. It gets embarrassing when you say 40 people are going to show up and the place sets up for that and gets extra help for that and then only 25 or 30 show up. Please remember to RSVP if you are going to something and to let someone know if you can’t make it.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
8. Thought for the Day: Sandy P. She had a great thought for the day and as always, and a zinger ending joke.
9. Adjournment: Bill E.: The meeting ended at 10:17 AM.