Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for January 25, 2018

 Minutes of Meeting for January 25, 2018    
1.       Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America, then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan.   Bill then acknowledged Jorge’s “Member of the Year” and a picture was taken, and Kristi will try to attach that to these minutes – key operative word here is “TRY” to attach.  ðŸ˜Š
2.       Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 50 folks today!
3.       Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi says we are now at 118 members.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  There was a motion to approve the minutes for January 18th meeting, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved. 
5.      Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt states we have $1410.66 of which $17.66 is in petty cash.     Please remember to put money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.  Speaking of the coffee shortage FYI – For the year, Walt had to take $488.00 out of the treasury.  That’s $488.00 we could have used for a worthier cause, had we all put in our money.  Let’s try to do better this year ðŸ˜Š
PLEASE NOTE – DUES ARE DUE!!! -  It’s $2.00 a month or $24.00 for the year – not a bad deal folks for all this fun and great company!!!!   For those of you who would prefer to mail in your dues, Walt’s address is as follows:  Walt Ross, 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743.
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
·         Sunshine Dorie Z.:  Dorie reports that Alice Rigney is home now and most happy to be there!  Dorie hasn’t been able to reach Maria Diaz but will keep trying.    We have been trying to get in touch with Marie as we thought she’d be back by now, but we found out that she has been ill and may even be in North West Hospital.  We are waiting for more news from her daughter.  Let’s keep them all in our prayers.
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report BUT WE HAD TWO “histories” given today.  First up was Sandy who talked about her and Tony’s upcoming 60th anniversary and the earrings she had on.  These earrings are beautiful, and they were the first gift given to her by Tony.  At that time the earrings were not for pierced ears but just “clip-ons”.  Later in life, Sandy’s daughter talked her into getting her ears pierced.  That year at Christmas time, after all the presents were opened, Tony told Sandy there was one more present for her.  He went to the Christmas tree and took off the earrings that he had bought for her so long ago and presented them to her because he had taken them and had them “retooled” for pierced ears so that she could now wear them again.  A wonderful story about love and thoughtfulness!
Our second history talk was from Susan and it was a very enlightened story of when she and Gene were in the Service and stationed in Germany.  Susan had heard that there were so many different things to do there, so she and Gene decided to go to East Germany and “check it out”.  At that time the wall was still up so they had to get clearance to go past the wall into East Germany.  It was quite an ordeal, but they got their “Flag Papers” and went through Checkpoint Charlie into East Germany.  They had guns pointed right at them at these stops and they were told not to engage any kind of conversation with the guards or anyone for that matter.  Susan and Gene were taken aback when they crossed because it was like going right into the movies that we saw about how stark and black and white it was there.  They saw no people, no animals, no “life” whatsoever.  It was very bleak.  They saw and experienced a lot but most of all they realized how good it is to be FREE and live in this country, the good old US of A as Archie Bunker used to put it.  We all take too much for granted here and Susan and Gene sure bought that home in this talk.  Susan has pictures as well if anyone wants to see them.  It was a very interesting talk.
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:  John reported he took $117.00, 50# of perishables and 38# of canned goods to the Food bank.  Keep up the great work folks!
·         Activities:  Joyce G:   See activities listed below.  NOTE:  When you sign up for a luncheon or dinner, please let the people who are in charge of it know whether or not you can make the function.  It gets embarrassing when you say 40 people are going to show up and the place sets up for that and gets extra help for that and then only 25 or 30 show up.  Please remember to RSVP if you are going to something and to let someone know if you can’t make it.

7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group

8.      Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  She had a great thought for the day and as always, and a zinger ending joke.
9.       Adjournment:  Bill E.:  The meeting ended at 10:17 AM.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for January 18, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for January 18, 2018    
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America, then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan.  Jim A. did a short induction of the Officers.
  2. Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 54 folks today!  Barb and Susan welcomed back John and Sharon, Magda and Armando and Pam M.
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi says we are now at 118 members.
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  There was a motion to approve the minutes for January 11th meeting, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt first thanked everyone again for their well wishes when he was ill and then reported we have $1026.66 of which $17.66 is in petty cash.     Please remember to put money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.  Speaking of the coffee shortage FYI – For the year, Walt had to take $488.00 out of the treasury.  That’s $488.00 we could have used for a worthier cause, had we all put in our money.  Let’s try to do better this year ðŸ˜Š
PLEASE NOTE – DUES ARE DUE!!! -  It’s $2.00 a month or $24.00 for the year – not a bad deal folks for all this fun and great company!!!!   For those of you who would prefer to mail in your dues, Walt’s address is as follows:  Walt Ross, 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
·         Sunshine Dorie Z.:  Dorie reports that Maria D. took a very bad fall and is recouping at home.  She is experiencing some wicked muscle spasms so let’s keep her in our prayers. Alice Rigney is still at Life Care Rehab on LaCholla right across the street from the hospital.  Cards and visits would be welcomed.  Let’s keep Alice in our prayers as well!
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  No report but she needs more tabs, drink up people ðŸ˜Š
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:  No report.
·         Activities:  Joyce G:   See activities listed below.  NOTE:  When you sign up for a luncheon or dinner, please let the people who are in charge of it know whether or not you can make the function.  It gets embarrassing when you say 40 people are going to show up and the place sets up for that and gets extra help for that and then only 25 or 30 show up.  Please remember to RSVP if you are going to something and to let someone know if you can’t make it.

  1. Group Concerns/Good of the Group

  • PLEASE NOTE:  For those of you who couldn’t make it, the Memorial Mass for Gladys which was held at Our Lady of the Desert Church, was lovely.  Father Paul had us laughing and reminiscing and telling “Gladys stories” and it was wonderful.  I know Gladys was watching and listening and enjoying every minute of the service.  The repast at Carol’s was great, and we thank Carol for opening her home to us all.  We had a lovely champagne toast to Gladys and again, wonderful memories were exchanged.
  • We counted 42 people who stayed for lunch today at The Station!  I think that’s a record.  Clint, Germaine and the rest of the staff did their usual great job!
  • Someone (I’m sorry, I forgot who) brought up about the Foothills Mall, that the theater there now has reclining seats as well as a bar and a restaurant which is really nice.  They are also supposedly in talks with Bedrocks about putting a bowling alley in the mall because they’ve lost so many businesses to the Outlet Mall.
  • Cynthia brought up that she had an occasion to call Sun Tran about getting to an appointment and the lady she was talking to was very helpful, so she found out that you can get an application for Dial-A-Ride and if you qualify, you don’t need a doctor’s note or anything like that, they will come and take you anywhere for only about $3 to $4.  That’s sure worth checking out.
  • Magda brought up that our Fry’s at Cortaro and Silverbell will be remodeling and using more machines instead of cashiers.  I, personally, continue using PEOPLE over machines any day!  Why put more people out of work??
  • There will be an “Open House Ceremony” and tour of the new Northwest ER which will be open 24/7 just on the east side of the Outlet Mall.  This is supposed to be a fully staffed and stocked “mini” ER, which will be nice for us, especially in an emergency!
  1. Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  Sandy brought up about how much the flu is spreading around that she is just “fist bumping” everyone instead of hugging.  Not a bad idea.  None of us wants this flu bug for sure!  Your option.   She had an excellent thought for the day and a great joke as always.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  The meeting ended at 10:25 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for January 11, 2018

           Minutes of Meeting for January 11, 2018    
1.       Call to Order:   Bill E. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America, then turned the meeting over to Barb and Susan.  Bill was reminded by Edna that we haven’t inducted the Officers yet, so Jim A. will do a short induction next week.
2.       Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 48 folks today.  Barb and Susan welcomed back Walt and Richard and introduced our newest member Nancy W.  Welcome Nancy!  Barb announced that we collected $325.00 for Gladys’ family to use at their discretion.  I think that’s a record folks, but understandably so because our Gladys was so well loved.  We are a very generous group!
3.       Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi thinks we are now at 118 members with our newest addition.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  There was a motion to approve the minutes for the December 28th meeting, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved. 
5.      Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt was back today and says we have $791.66 in the bank!  Walt gave an accounting of monies spent last year and brought copies for anyone who wanted.    Walt tells us that for the year 2017, we gave the Marana Food Bank $1,128.00 and 103# of food!  Walt also reports we are on our third plaque of members that have passed on and asked us all to please “cut it out”.   I’ll gladly go along with that sentiment 😊.   Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.  Speaking of the coffee shortage FYI – For the year, Walt had to take $488.00 out of the treasury.  That’s $488.00 we could have used for a worthier cause, had we all put in our money.  Let’s try to do better this year ðŸ˜Š
PLEASE NOTE – DUES ARE DUE!!! -  It’s $2.00 a month or $24.00 for the year – not a bad deal folks for all this fun and great company!!!!   
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
·         Sunshine Dorie Z.:  Dorie reports no one is ill this week!  We still need to remember Alice Rigney though because she is still at Life Care Rehab on LaCholla right across the street from the hospital.  Cards and visits would be welcomed.  Let’s keep Alice in our prayers!
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report 
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:   On December 29th John took over 50# of food to the food bank!
·         Activities:  Joyce G:   See activities listed below.

7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group

ü  PLEASE NOTE:  Next Wednesday, January 17th is the Memorial Mass for Gladys Pope to be held at Our Lady of the Desert Church, the Redemptorist Retreat Center.  The address is 7101 W. Picture Rocks Road.  The phone number is 744.3400.  Take Wade Road west and it automatically turns into Picture Rocks Road.  Look for the big black mailbox on your left and turn into the church.
ü  After Mass, Carol Altmann has graciously invited all to her home for food and drink.  Carol’s address is 9308 N. Desert Monsoon Place and her phone number is 744.1953.  Directions are to take Coachline north past Twin Peaks to the 1st street which is Cosmic Sky.  Turn right to the 1st street which is Desert Monsoon Place, turn right again on Desert Monsoon.  Carol’s home is on the left before the curve and there is a flagpole in the front yard.

8.      Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  thanked everyone for their cards and prayers with a special thank you to Debbi for being there for her throughout.  She had an excellent thought for the day and a great joke as always.
9.       Adjournment:  Bill E.:  The meeting ended at 10:12 AM.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Minutes of Meeting for December 28, 2017  

Minutes of Meeting for December 28, 2017  
1.       Call to Order:   Kristi G. led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America, then turned it over to Barb and Susan.
2.       Hostesses Barb L.  and Susan D.  Barb counted 36 folks in attendance today.  We welcomed back our dear Sandy and Tony finally after her heart surgery and rehab.  Barb brought in those special tomatoes from her daughter at the U of A and John brought in some tangerines from Glady’s tree and Paul B. brought in some lemons so help yourself!  What is left will go to the Marana Food Bank.  Joan Travis sent a Christmas and New Year good wishes card to all and she will be back in February.  Barb and Susan wished us all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
3.       Vice President:  Debbi S.  Debbi is out for a couple of weeks and I think we are still at 117 members.
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  There was a motion to approve the minutes for the December 21st meeting, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved.  PLEASE NOTE:  Some of you have been receiving the minutes and some of you haven’t.  PLEASE send me your e-mail addresses so that I can be sure I have the right ones.  Also, PLEASE let me know if you DIDN’T receive the minutes and I will resend to you……...hopefully 
5.      Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Mr. Walt is doing much better, is home from the hospital and is getting TLC from his lovely wife Joanne.  Good thing Joanne used to be a nurse because Walt needs an antibiotic IV every day and Joanne takes good care of that.  Joanne reports that after the Christmas party and paying the DJ, we have a total of $370.11 in the bank.   Joanne also read 2 thankyou letters; one from Gospel Rescue Mission and one from Inter-Faith Community Services.   PLEASE NOTE:  DUES ARE DUE beginning next month.   Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
6.      Coordinators’ Reports:
·         Sunshine Dorie Z.: (1) Dorie talked to Ed D. and he’s doing so well he “fired” his “at-home” physical therapist and now drives himself to PT!  Good for you Ed, glad to hear you are doing so well!  (2) Dorie has been talking to Father Paul from Our Lady of the Desert and they are planning a memorial service for Gladys.  This will probably take place sometime week after next.  We should know more next meeting about that.  Joe (her son) is having her cremains sent to California to be buried next to her husband per Gladys’ wishes.  Glady’s son Joe Pope and granddaughter Abigail’s address is 27206 Amber Rock Drive, Sun City, CA 92585 in case you would like to send them a card.  (3) Dorie also has spoken with George R. about Alice and she is now at Life Care Rehab on LaCholla across the street from Northwest Hospital.  She’s just there for some physical therapy to try to regain some strength. (4) Dorie spoke with Elaine H. and found that she is on some new medication that she is hopeful will help with her pain.  The docs are recommending surgery and Elaine is not real excited about that – I know I wouldn’t be either!  Elaine is hopeful the new meds will help her and she then maybe she will be able to make next week’s meeting.  It will be good to see her!  (5)  Richard B. is fighting a nasty flu bug.  (6)  Let’s please remember all our friends in our prayers!!! (7) Dorie wished everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.  (8)  There will be a Memorial Service for Gladys Pope on Wednesday January 17th @ 11:00 AM at Our Lady of the Desert on Picture Rocks Road at the Redemtrist Retreat Center.
·         Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report 
·         Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report currently but please keep the contributions coming.
·         Activities:  Joyce G:   See activities listed below.

7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group

ü  Barb L. brought up that next week we will do a collection to send to Gladys’ family.  Remember to bring cash with next week.
ü  Kristi G. brought up that next month we will be collecting for the local Fire Department.  We selected January 18th as the meeting day to bring in all the “goodies” like we’ve done in the past for our great firemen!

8.      Thought for the Day:  Sandy P.  had an excellent thought for the day and a great joke as always.
9.       Adjournment:  Kristi G.:  The meeting ended at 10:07 AM.