Minutes of Meeting for February 2, 2017
1. Call to Order: Bill E. began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America. I then introduced Dr. Sophan Kay our local dentist who gave a very informative talk about dental health. Bill then told a really cute joke he got from Pam.
2. Vice-President: Debbi S.: Debbi reports but we have a total of 120 members and reminded us that for those without computers, there were printed rosters, birthday lists, etc., on the bar. Thanks for doing that Deb! J
3. Secretary: Kristi G.: The minutes for January 26, 2017 were approved and accepted.
4. Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reported that we have a balance to $2,519.00 in the “coffers”. He is keeping $10.00 out for petty cash which is a good idea. Walt is also still accepting checks for dues which is $24.00 for the entire year! $2 bucks a month for all this fun and wonderful company! You can mail them if you prefer to Walt at 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson 85743. Walt also told us that he heard from Barbara Romo who is still planning on coming back and says hi to everyone.
Dues must be paid by the end of February, 2017 or you will be removed from the roster.
5. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Tressie and Cheryl still progressing well and driving again. Our dear June S., is now recuperating at home - please keep sending prayers her way but please don’t call, just send cards. It’s hard for June to talk as she runs short on air. Susan D. reminded us all how much the cards mean to someone who isn’t feeling well. She was ill for so long and wasn’t able to talk to anyone or have visitors and she said almost every week she received a card which totally uplifted her spirits.
Donna StJ reported that Betsy D., has been moved to an assisted living facility. She will find out the information on that for us so we can keep in touch with Betsy.
b. Historian: Magda Q.: No Magda so no report.
c. Busybody: Barbara J.: No Barb so no report.
d. Philanthropy: John Z. reported we donated $129.00 and 18 pounds of food!
e. Hiking: Jim A. said that he, Craig and Craig’s grandson had a nice hike at the King Canyon trail. He isn’t sure yet where next week’s hike will take place. Remember they hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:20 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and Coachline.
f. Activities: Pam M.: See activities list below.
6. Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
* Bill told us the By-Law and Rules Committee are still working on both and will be getting back to us soon.
* Don’t forget that Val will be taking pics of the newcomers for our “Who’s Who” book at the February 9th meeting.
* George tells of a charity bike race coming up the “Tour de Cookie” for the Rotary Club. This is the second one and is a lot of fun. You get a bag of cookies at each stop so for you bicycle enthusiasts – enjoy! Check the local papers for more info.
* In deference to those sitting in the bar area, we will have the speakers move to the end of the bar near the front door for questions after they speak.
7. Thought of the Day: Dorie Z. gave us a great ending thought.
8. Adjournment: Bill E.: Bill told a great “Craig” joke and then adjourned the meeting at 10:20 AM.