Minutes of Meeting for January 19, 2017
- Call to Order: Bill E. began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America. Bill then opened with a joke he got from Jim that stopped the show for a minute. Once we recovered, Bill asked if, for the sake of variety, members might consider singing more songs than just “God Bless America” each week and asked for suggestions.
- Host/Hostess: Susan D. and Barbara L.: Barb reported that we only had 48 people in attendance. She also welcomed back Tracy and Paul.
- Vice-President: Debbi S.: Debbi was ill so no report but we still have a total of 119 members.
- Secretary: Kristi G.: Kristi was ill also so Cynthia D. graciously filled in for her and took the minutes. Minutes for January 12, 2017 were approved and accepted.
Sharon S. urged us to include the recent rash of car break-ins in Continental Ranch and surrounding areas in this week’s minutes. She reported that stolen goods were found in the desert nearby, dumped there by thieves apprehended in Sunset Point. She urged all members to make sure to lock their cars and not leave any valuables in them, especially if they’re parked on the streets or in lots in these areas.
- Treasurer: Walt R.: Walt reported that he had checked on the “glitch” in our account totals and found out the he was the “glitch”J (No worries Walt, nobody is goof-proof) so after a thorough review, his records now match the bank statement. He deposited $603.00 last week bringing our total balance to $1,801.09. Walt is also still accepting checks for dues for the year which is $24.00 for the entire year! $2 bucks a month for all this fun and wonderful company! Such a deal!! You can mail them if you prefer to Walt at 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson 85743.
Dues must be paid by the end of February, 2017 or you will be removed from the roster.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Sunshine: Dorie Z.: Tressie is progressing well thanks to physical therapy and asked Dorie to thank us for the basket.
b. Historian: Magda Q.: Magda read an article about an outing back in 1994 when the group used to meet at the Windmill. She said there used to be regular van trips to places like Mt. Lemmon, Madera Canyon and the Pima Air Museum. She suggested that we consider that there are more wonderful places to go in and around Tucson other than just restaurants.
Bill E. Bill suggested that the old by-laws and job descriptions be reviewed and revised by a committee and group members. Edna and Dorie volunteered to join Bill on that committee and Bill said he would email copies of the by-laws and job descriptions to us.
c. Busybody: Barbara J.: No report.
d. Philanthropy: John Z. John said he was going to the Food Bank next Friday so bring in all your contributions to next week’s meeting.
e. Hiking: Jim A. reported that Kate H. had taken a pretty hard fall during last week’s hike at Sweetwater Reserve, but her husband Don reported that she was mending well. Next week’s hike will be at Ironwood Forest near Picture Rocks Road. Remember they hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:20 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and Coachline.
f. Activities: Pam M.: Pam was not in attendance but Linda A., reminded the group about the Gaslight Theater, the Cattlemen’s Club breakfast and the Friday Fish Fry (see below for dates and details). She also said that we had booked the Elks Club again for St. Patrick’s Day for $18 per person. Edna C. added that she still has three tickets for the Arizona Opry.
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
- Barbara L. expressed concern that there had been no plates for the birthday cake last week. After a discussion, Marie M. offered to provide plates, forks, etc. for each birthday celebration. (This will be discussed in more depth by the by-law and job description committee).
- Walt R. announced that for three weeks in a row we had turned in between $53-$55 to the Coffee Fund and thanked the members for their generosity.
- Magda Q. proposed singing two songs each week and Elaine H. asked that lyrics be provided and Dorie Z. asked us to keep in mind that some members preferred singing only one song.
- Thought of the Day: Sandy P. gave us more delightful words to live by and told us another great joke.
- Adjournment: Bill E.: Bill reminded us that anyone needing a name badge should see Larry L., and then adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.