Monday, January 30, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for January 26, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for January 26, 2017
  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Bill then opened with a joke he got from Iles that was great. 
  2. Host/Hostess:  Susan D. and Barbara L.:  Barb reported that we only had 46 people in attendance.  She also welcomed Mike’s mother and other family members who were visiting from Illinois (sorry about the “cold” weather folks).  Barb also reported that the firemen were totally overwhelmed last week when they brought all the food over to them.  We did another nice deed folks.
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi reports but we now have a total of 120 members!
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  The minutes for January 19, 2017 were approved and accepted.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reported that we have a balance to $2,166.10 in the “coffers”.  Walt is also still accepting checks for dues for the year which is $24.00 for the entire year! $2 bucks a month for all this fun and wonderful company!  Such a deal!!  You can mail them if you prefer to Walt at 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson 85743.
Dues must be paid by the end of February, 2017 or you will be removed from the roster.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Tressie and Cheryl are progressing well thanks to physical therapy.  Our dear June S., is in the hospital with this dreaded cold/flu bug that is going around – please send lots of prayers her way!
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.: Magda told of the past hiking “group” of 4 folks who tried to scale Sombrero Peak and didn’t quite make it on the first try but succeeded on the second!  This was back in 1996 and they left a flag up there and a bottle with their names in it.  Curious to know if it’s still up there J  Magda told us when you go somewhere that you think is new and untapped that just maybe SCRCR had been there and done that already J
c.       Busybody: Barbara J.:  Reminded newcomers to give her all emergency contact information.  This sometimes comes in handy people so please get Barb the info asap and everything is kept confidentially.
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z. Going to Food Bank this week so he will have a report next week.
e.       Hiking:  Jim A. reported that they had 13 hikers, 4 from our group.  Unfortunately, I didn’t catch where next week’s hike will take place.   Remember they hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:20 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and Coachline.
f.        Activities:  Pam M.:   See activities list below.
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
  • Bill told us the By-Law and Rules Committee is working on both and will be getting back to us soon for approval.
  • Julie reminded all that she is collecting the fronts of all greeting cards for St. Jude’s hospital and all little toiletries that you get at your vacation hotels/motels or just buy for the abused women’s shelter.
  • Val reminded the newcomers that she will be taking pictures for our “Who’s Who” book at the February 9thmeeting.
  1. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P. gave us more delightful words to live by and told us another great joke.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  Bill told a great “Craig” joke and then adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for January 19, 2017  

Minutes of Meeting for January 19, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Bill then opened with a joke he got from Jim that stopped the show for a minute.  Once we recovered, Bill asked if, for the sake of variety, members might consider singing more songs than just “God Bless America” each week and asked for suggestions.
  2. Host/Hostess:  Susan D. and Barbara L.:  Barb reported that we only had 48 people in attendance.  She also welcomed back Tracy and Paul.
  3. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   Debbi was ill so no report but we still have a total of 119 members.
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Kristi was ill also so Cynthia D. graciously filled in for her and took the minutes.  Minutes for January 12, 2017 were approved and accepted.
Sharon S. urged us to include the recent rash of car break-ins in Continental Ranch and surrounding areas in this week’s minutes.  She reported that stolen goods were found in the desert nearby, dumped there by thieves apprehended in Sunset Point.  She urged all members to make sure to lock their cars and not leave any valuables in them, especially if they’re parked on the streets or in lots in these areas.
  1. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt reported that he had checked on the “glitch” in our account totals and found out the he was the “glitch”J (No worries Walt, nobody is goof-proof) so after a thorough review, his records now match the bank statement.  He deposited $603.00 last week bringing our total balance to $1,801.09.  Walt is also still accepting checks for dues for the year which is $24.00 for the entire year! $2 bucks a month for all this fun and wonderful company!  Such a deal!!  You can mail them if you prefer to Walt at 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson 85743.
Dues must be paid by the end of February, 2017 or you will be removed from the roster.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Tressie is progressing well thanks to physical therapy and asked Dorie to thank us for the basket.
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.: Magda read an article about an outing back in 1994 when the group used to meet at the Windmill.  She said there used to be regular van trips to places like Mt. Lemmon, Madera Canyon and the Pima Air Museum.  She suggested that we consider that there are more wonderful places to go in and around Tucson other than just restaurants.
Bill E.  Bill suggested that the old by-laws and job descriptions be reviewed and revised by a committee and group members.  Edna and Dorie volunteered to join Bill on that committee and Bill said he would email copies of the by-laws and job descriptions to us.
c.       Busybody: Barbara J.:  No report.
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z.  John said he was going to the Food Bank next Friday so bring in all your contributions to next week’s meeting.
e.       Hiking:  Jim A. reported that Kate H. had taken a pretty hard fall during last week’s hike at Sweetwater Reserve, but her husband Don reported that she was mending well.  Next week’s hike will be at Ironwood Forest near Picture Rocks Road.  Remember they hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:20 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and Coachline.
f.        Activities:  Pam M.:   Pam was not in attendance but Linda A., reminded the group about the Gaslight Theater, the Cattlemen’s Club breakfast and the Friday Fish Fry (see below for dates and details).  She also said that we had booked the Elks Club again for St. Patrick’s Day for $18 per person.  Edna C. added that she still has three tickets for the Arizona Opry. 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
  • Barbara L. expressed concern that there had been no plates for the birthday cake last week.  After a discussion, Marie M. offered to provide plates, forks, etc. for each birthday celebration.  (This will be discussed in more depth by the by-law and job description committee).
  • Walt R. announced that for three weeks in a row we had turned in between $53-$55 to the Coffee Fund and thanked the members for their generosity.
  • Magda Q. proposed singing two songs each week and Elaine H. asked that lyrics be provided and Dorie Z. asked us to keep in mind that some members preferred singing only one song.
  1. Thought of the Day:  Sandy P. gave us more delightful words to live by and told us another great joke.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  Bill reminded us that anyone needing a name badge should see Larry L., and then adjourned the meeting at 10:10 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for January 12, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Bill then introduced Dr. Patrick Chaisson who gave a very interesting and informative talk about heartburn/GERD and the different ways of making you feel better.  He will also come back as soon as we can schedule him and give a presentation on the latest diabetes information which should also be very interesting.
Bill then introduced all the birthday folks who attended today who were Barb L., Val R., Jeanne L., Maria D., Billy D., and Dan M.
  1. Host/Hostess:  Susan D. and Barbara L.:  Barb reported that we broke a record today – 61 folks showed up (they heard about the birthday cake no doubt J).  She welcomed back Vicki and Mike, Carol, Joyce, Diane, Colleen and Julie and George.
  2. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   We have a total of 119 members.
  3. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for January 5, 2017 were approved and accepted.
  4. Treasurer:  Walt R.:  Walt is checking with the bank because he looked at the bank records and thinks that we have more than $370.00 in the bank.   He will check it out and report back next week.  Walt is accepting checks for dues for the year which is $24.00 for the entire year! $2 bucks a month for all this fun and wonderful company!  What a bargain!!  You can mail them if you wish to Walt at 8914 N. Veridian Drive, Tucson 85743.
Dues must be paid by the end of February, 2017, or you will be removed from the roster.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Tressie had her second knee replacement and is doing much better than the first one which is good news.  Cheryl W., is still experiencing some pain with her knee replacement unfortunately so let’s keep them both in our prayers.  Debbi S., and Alice R., had some cataracts removed this week and they are doing great.
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.: No Magda today. L
c.       Busybody: Barbara J., No Barb so no report. L
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z.  Nothing to report.
e.       Hiking:  Jim A., reported a good hike at out by Dove Mountain, accompanied by five more folks from our group.  Next week the hike will be at Ironwood Forest renewal near Picture Rocks Road.  Remember they hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:20 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and
f.        Activities:  Pam M., reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
  • Rich R., reminded us about Superbowl Sunday and the squares to buy.  Jim A., will have the boards next week and Jorge A., will have them the following week and then Rich R. will have them again after that.  These are always fun to buys squares for $1.00 only – “such a deal” J  
  1. Thought of the Day: Dorie Z., gave a lovely closing thought and a really cute joke.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  Bill adjourned the meeting at 10:46 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for January 5, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Jim A., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Jim then gave a short history of SCRCR and introduced the new committee leaders and the new Board.  Bill E., our new President thanked everyone with a special “shout out” to thank Iles for everything for the past two years and then started the meeting.
Amy who owns The Station along with her husband Clint, thanked us for the check we gave them the week before.  They were so surprised and very grateful.  We are grateful for them!
  1. Host/Hostess:  Susan D. and Barbara L.:  Susan not feeling well today so Barb said there were 52 in attendance today.  Barb welcomed Sue and Dick R., daughter who is visiting from Michigan.  She also welcomed back Rosemary who has rejoined us – welcome back Rosemary!  Barb wished everyone a better 2017!
  2. Vice-President:   Debbi S.:   With Rosemary coming back we now have a total of 119 members.
  3. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for December 29, 2016 were approved and accepted even though a lot of folks didn’t receive them for some reason.  Kristi will resend when she gets home and make sure everyone got them. (One more reason Kristi hates computers)
  4. Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We are left with $370.00 in the bank.  Our new treasurer Walt R., thanked Carol A., for her service and was accepting checks for dues for the year which is $24.00 for the entire year! $2 bucks a month for all this fun and wonderful company!  What a bargain!!
Dues must be paid by the end of February, 2017, or you will be removed from the roster.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Everyone doing OK, nothing to report.  (Dorie will be Sunshine lady through the winter and Sandy P., will take it back in the summer).
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  Magda gave a brief history of SCRCR too and read from the first minutes of 23 years ago in 1994.  Back then all they did was play games and take trips.   Magda intends to read some kind of past history of the club each week.
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  No report and now Barbara J. will become the “Busybody”.
d.       Philanthropy:  John Z.  Nothing to report.
e.       Hiking:  Jim A., Jorge A. and/or Craig S.  Jorge and Jim reported a pretty tough hike at Gould Mountain.  Over 13,000 steps and 3600 feet up the mountain.  They would love to see more folks from the group join them.  They hike every Wednesday morning and meet at 8:30 at the east end of the “Walgreen” parking lot at Twin Peaks and
f.        Activities:  Rose M., thanked everyone again for receiving “Member of the Year” and turned activities over to Pam M., who reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
  • Rich R., reminded us that on Sunday February 5th, the Superbowl party will again be held at Native New Yorker (by the Ace Hardware and the car wash off Cortaro across from the Pavilions).  He has reserved a “back room” for 80 folks and plan to arrive around 3:30 to get a good seat.  The game kicks off at 4:30.   Jorge and Rich will bring in boards with squares that you can buy for the game. That’s always fun.  I think it’s $1 a square – Rich or Jorge please correct me if I’m wrong.  Pam will have a sign-up sheet next week for this annual fun time.
  1. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.  No Sandy today.
  2. Adjournment:  Bill E.:  Bill thanked Jim for kicking off the meeting so nicely and we adjourned at 10:18 AM.

Minutes of Meeting for December 29, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for December 29, 2016

  1. Call to Order:   Iles W., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Iles reminded us that next week is the installation of the new Board Members. (Outgoing Board Members don’t go sitting at the front table when you get there – you will be tased – oh excuse me, “cop talk” coming out J).
Carol then presented a $200.00 check to one of The Station’s employees because they are so good to us.  He will see that the check gets to Clint and Amy the owners. 
Kristi read a lovely thank you note from Cheryl W., and also announced that the food drive for the local Fire Department will be onthe 19th of January because the 12th is birthday cake day.  Let’s be good to our local fire department too J
  1. Host/Hostess:  Susan D. and Barbara L.:  Barb said there were 41 in attendance today.  Susan and Barb wished us all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
  2. Vice-President:   Larry L.:   Still 118 SCRCR members total.
  3. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for December 22, 2016 were approved and accepted.
  4. Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We are left with $370.00 in the bank.
  5. Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Everyone doing pretty good.  We are still waiting to hear how Joey L. is doing.
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  No Magda so no report
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  No Elaine, but she wished everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.
d.       Philanthropy:  Jim A. reported that for the year of 2016 we donated 403 pounds of food and $2,053.00 to the Marana Food Bank.  Good work folks!! J
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 
7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:
  • Harkins Theaters are continuing their $5 charge through the New Year for any movie at any time.
  • Craig S. said they hiked in the Tucson Mountains this past week about 4½ miles.
  • Barbara L. asked for a round of applause for the outgoing officers which was cheerfully given.
  1. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.  Sandy told a lovely thought of the day and as always, a great joke.
  2. Adjournment:  Iles W.:  Meeting was adjourned at 10:11 AM.