Monday, December 4, 2017


PLEASE NOTE We are an active group of congenial senior citizens and retirees who meet at 9:00 AM on most Thursdays at The Station Pub and Grill at Wade and Silverbell in Marana, Arizona. The group has been in continuous existence since 1994. Prior to January 2013 we met at the Continental Ranch Community Center. The Association Board of Directors changed the use policy of the community center to include a $40.00 fee for each weekly meeting. With our small operating budget we were unable to continue meeting there. Rock N Java hosted our meetings until their business closed.   Now our home is The Station.

Minutes of Meeting for November 30, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 30, 2017
1)      Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and we sang God Bless America.  He then told us a great joke and got us all in a good mood.
2)      Hostesses Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 46 of us today.  They welcomed Ed & Elaine as well as Sharon S. back.
3)      Vice President:  Debbi S.  We are up to 119 members!
4)      Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes were approved for November 16th meeting.  Debbi played acting secretary this week in Kristi’s absence.
5)      Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports we have $1,173.66 in the bank.   Walt will be sending $200 checks out to both the Gospel Rescue Mission and the Interfaith Community Services from the group.  These two organizations were voted on by the Board and Philanthropy Committee as being not only local but great organizations helping the community.  Walt also says that 47 folks have signed up for the Christmas party so far – we need some more in order to secure the front room, which is much more comfortable, so if you are thinking about it, please get on the list. Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets.  We have been consistently short for weeks and that shortage has to come out of the treasury.
6)      Coordinators’ Reports:
*      Sunshine Dorie Z:    Dorie read a card from June S.  She says she misses all of us and has been teaching her granddaughter to play “golf”.   Sounds like a true Senior to me.   Sandy P. continues to heal nicely.  She is staying away from crowds for now so as not to catch anything.  Coughing would not be a good thing for her right now.  She went to her Cardiologist on Tues. and got a clean bill of health.  She will also start Cardiac Rehab on the 12th.  Gladys P. is back at Mountain View and recuperating so that she can go back to get her valve replaced (not by open-heart) sometime in a few weeks.  Alice R. is doing better.  She is being tested for sleep apnea as she is having trouble sleeping.  They are also watching her internal bleeding to try to get a handle on that.  Kristi G.  tested negative for Valley Fever AND pneumonia, thank goodness.  She is still recovering.  Janet K. is still not walking after her broken femur.  Hope we have better news on her next week.  Gene D is having several tests on his back nerves before they determine next steps.  As always, keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers as we know that helps a great deal.
*      Historian:  Magda Q.:    Maria D. shared with us that it is Pedro and her 50th Anniversary.  She also brought in their wedding album and shared the story of her wedding dress which she made herself.  Years later she took the dress apart and used some of the fabric in her daughter’s wedding dress.  Over the years, fabric from that dress has been used several times in making garments for other people.  Great story about your history, Maria.
*      Philanthropy:  John Z.:   See Treasurer report on this.
*      Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:  No report. 
*      Activities:     See activities list below.
*      Good of the Group/Group Concerns:
*      Iles told a funny story.
*      Dorie reminds us that the best time to go Christmas shopping is later Sat. evening.  She says no one is in the stores then.  She also told us about a scary thing that happened to her on her computer.  She got a blue screen suddenly, with a women’s recorded voice saying “don’t touch another key or you will lose everything on this computer” and telling her to call a number.  It scared her so she called the number and talked to a person who eventually convinced her that she needed to send money to get this fixed.  Unfortunately, she did so.  But she was also smart enough to call and report it to the police.  They told her it was definitely a scam, that if it ever happens again to TURN OFF THE COMPUTER IMMEDIATELY!  Also, as a precaution, she should take the computer to be scanned for malware, which she did.  Please don’t let this happen to you.  She also wants to start a breakfast club which would meet every Tues. at a different restaurant starting in Jan.  More to come.
*      Magda share a beautiful picture she had done in one of her coloring books.  It was so good, that she framed it.  She wanted to share with us how relaxing and therapeutic coloring is.  If you are under any stress, you may want to take up this hobby.  She also wanted to share the she was rooting for the bikers at the Tour de Tucson on Sat. and was so impressed with the efficiency and courtesy of the Marana Police officers monitoring the race and keeping everyone
safe.  They never cease to amaze us and we send a big thank you out to all of  them.
*      Jorge A.  announced the formation of “Retired Old Men Eating Out” or ROMEO for short.  The first meeting will be Tues. 12/5.  If you “qualify” and are interested, please meet at the Safeway parking lot between 730-745am (west side of the lot where there are not a lot of cars).  Breakfast at the Marana Airport café.
*      Barbara W. told us that Ft. Huachuca has two museums that the Seniors might want to plan a visit to.  She will get more information and report back.
*      Bitsy M. reports that after a trip to Kohl’s, the store called her to report several suspicious charges to her card.  Sure enough, they were not hers and her card was missing.  She called the Marana Police and gave a report and within an hour she got
her card back.  Another shout out to our wonderful Police Dept.  She also did some research and reports that 65% of Puerto Rico is still without power.  See her if you want more information.  She has several websites that she is monitoring.
*      Cynthia D-M. warns us that during this season, there are many scammers out there mimicking familiar sites like Amazon.  She suggests using your bookmarks whenever possible, to avoid getting fooled.
*      Richard R. wants to start a White Elephant auction where 2-3 people bring items no longer wanted every week (unwrapped) and anyone who wants can buy a raffle ticket for 25 cents.  Proceeds to go to ????
*       Joyce G. announced that the Oro Valley Music Hall is running holiday concerts now thru the holiday including the Christmas Jamboree.  See website for more info.
Ø December 11th  Christmas lights tour here in Continental Ranch.  Get together at Rich and Val’s after.  Meet at R &V’s at 6pm.  People with vans will transport for the tour. 
Ø  December 12th – Cards and games a WTA Library 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Bill has reserved the 2nd and 4thThur. of every month for this event thru 2/27/2018.
Ø  December 14th – Please bring in the unwrapped Christmas presents for the children in the $10 to $15 range.  This is the only day for this so please don’t forget.
Ø  December 19th – Christmas Party at Taste of Texas from 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Ø  December 21st – Lunch at The Station following cards/games.
Ø  December 26th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Ø  December 31st – Annual New Year’s Eve Breakfast at Feed Lot Café in Marana (was Cattleman’s Café) 9am.  Signup sheet coming soon.
Ø  January 4th – Either a pain management doctor or a pharmacist.
Ø  January 9th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Ø  January 23rd – Cards and games at WTA 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  NOTE new time.
Ø  February 14, 2018 – Arizona Opry.  More info to follow as time gets closer.  6 tickets left.  Edna needs the money in Jan.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 16, 2017

 Minutes of Meeting for November 16, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and we sang God Bless America.  Bill told one of his always great jokes.
  2. Hostesses:  Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 37 of us today.  There were no new guests/members.
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  We are up to 119 members!
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes were approved for November 9th meeting. Dorie took notes as Kristi was absent. 
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports we have $1196.66 in the bank.  Walt also says that close to 40 people have signed up for the Christmas party – we need some more bodies there, c’mon people, sign up for the party, it’s always a good time 😊
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    • Sunshine:  Dorie Z.:   Sandy is making a wonderful recovery and doing well.  She’s very appreciative of all the cards, calls and most of all prayers.  Gladys had more surgery last week.  We really must put those prayers into “overdrive” for Gladys, she has been through so much.  Janet K. is back at Handmakers and recouping nicely from her broken femur. Dorie thanked everyone for their prayers and to stay well. 
    • Historian:  Magda Q.:    No report.
    • Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report but John has submitted a list of charities for the board to review.
    • Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:  Hike this week was easy and short.  Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings. 
    • Activities:     Next cards/dominoes at library this Tues 11/28 10am-1pm
    • Joyce reported Edna has 10 seats left for AZ Opry;
    • Linda and Bea have 10 seats left for Gaslight at $20.48ea.
    • Joyce asked for interest in Archaeological sites; Festival of Arts & Tree Lighting 12/2 10-6 Oro Valley; Tucson Botanical Gardens; Tohono Chul Holiday nights; & Winter Haven (if interested let Joyce know). 
  2. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Rose M. is head of the committee to select the Member of the Year which will occur in early January 2018.  Please give Rose your thoughts of who you would like to see receive this award as soon as possible.
  • Joyce G. would like us to put our thinking caps on for different activities that you might like to do and give your ideas to her.  Things like day trips maybe, a day at the races, maybe a trip to a casino.  Think about it and get your ideas to Joyce please and a big thank you again Joyce for taking this on!  Much appreciated!!!!😊

  1. Thought of the Day:  
  1. Adjournment:  The meeting ended around 10:30 AM and about 30 of us enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Station. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 9, 2017

Minutes of Meeting for November 9, 2017

  1. Call to Order:   Bill E. called the meeting to order, led us in the Pledge and we sang God Bless America.  Bill had Iles tell one of his always great jokes.  Bill then turned the meeting over to Jim A., for the election of the Board Members.  There was a move made to accept the Board as presented and the move was seconded and passed.  Your Board is listed later in these minutes.
  2. Hostesses Barb L. and Susan D.  Barb counted 46 of us today.  They welcomed back Donna and Betsy, Eva V., Richard B., and George and Julie who had a wonderful cruise vacation until they returned and George unfortunately took a bad fall.  He’s doing OK though – you can’t get a good man down! 😊
  3. Vice President:  Debbi S.  We are up to 119 members!
  4. Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes were approved for November 2nd meeting and Kristi read a thank you letter from the Florida food bank.
  5. Treasurer:  Walt R.:    Walt reports we have $1,233.34 in the bank.  Walt also says that 7 folks have signed up for the Christmas party – we need some more bodies there, c’mon people, sign up for the party, it’s always a good time 😊
Let’s try to remember to put our money in the pot for coffee “and”.  It’s $2.00 for a cup of coffee which includes all refills; $1.00 for sweets. Thanks much.
  1. Coordinators’ Reports:
    • Sunshine Dorie Z.:   Sandy is making a wonderful recovery and doing well.  She’s very appreciative of all the cards, calls and most of all prayers.  Gladys had to have some more surgery this week and at this writing, I’m waiting to hear how things went.  We really must put those prayers into “overdrive” for Gladys, she has been through so much.  Janet K. is back at Handmakers and recouping nicely from her broken femur.  Paul B. told us that at his last check-up, he is cancer free!!!  That is wonderful news Paul, we are all so happy for you!!!I spoke with June this evening and she is settling in very nicely in Boise.  She is with her son and daughter-in-law, but will be looking at assisted living facilities soon.  She is feeling much better out there so that’s a good thing!  Still miss her though.   Dorie thanked everyone for their prayers. 
    • Historian:  Magda Q.:    No report.
    • Philanthropy:  John Z.:   No report but John has submitted a list of charities for us to discuss.
    • Hiking:  Jim A. and Jorge A.:  Hike this week was easy and short.  Meet up at the far east end of the Walgreens parking lot by Point of Grace (Twin Peaks & Coachline) by 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings. 
    • Activities:     See activities list below.
  2. Group Concerns/Good of the Group
  • Sandy and Tony have a nice walker with a seat on it that needs a home.  If anyone needs a walker, please contact them. 
  • Rose M. is head of the committee to elect the Member of the Year which will occur in early January 2018.  Please give Rose your thoughts of who you would like to see receive this award as soon as possible.
  • Joyce G. would like us to put our thinking caps on for different activities that you might like to do and give your ideas to her.  Things like day trips maybe, a day at the races, maybe a trip to a casino.  Think about it and get your ideas to Joyce please and a big thank you again Joyce for taking this on!  Much appreciated!!!! 😊

  1. Thought of the Day:   Debbi gave us a great thought for the day and a great joke in Sandy’s absence.
  1. Adjournment:  The meeting ended around 10:30 AM and we all sang Happy Birthday to our celebrants and had delicious cake brought in by Cheryl in Marie’s absence.  Thanks Cheryl and Barc 😊

  • November 14th – Cards and games at Wheeler Taft Abbett library 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
  • November 16th – Lunch at The Station following cards/games.  Also, Val will be taking pictures of new members and please bring your “Who’s Who” so we can see what sheets you may need to make your booklets current.
  • November 28th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  • December 7th – Gaslight Theater “Christmas Somewhere”, beginning at 2:00 PM, a MATINEE folks, followed by supper at El Corral.  Please make your checks out to Linda Alam and for more information see Linda or Bea. 
  • December 12th – Cards and games a WTA Library 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
  • December 14th – Please bring in the unwrapped Christmas presents for the children in the $10 to $15 range.  This is the only day for this so please don’t forget.
  • December 19th – Christmas Party at Taste of Texas from 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
  • December 21st – Lunch at The Station following cards/games.
  • December 26th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  • January 4th – Either a pain management doctor or a pharmacist.
  • January 9th – Cards and games at WTA library 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
  • January 23rd – Cards and games at WTA 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  NOTE new time.
  • February 14, 2018 – Arizona Opry.  More info to follow as time gets closer.

Agenda for SCRCR Meeting November 16, 2017

o   Lunch at the Station
o   Checking the “Who’s Who” booklets
Call to Order Bill E. President
Introductions: Barbara L.  and Susan D.                                                                                                   
Membership:  Debbi S. Vice President                  
Minutes: Kristi G. Secretary
Financial Status: Walt R. Treasurer
Sunshine Coordinator: Dorie Z.
Birthday Coordinator:  Marie M.
Historian: Magda Q.
Philanthropy Coordinator:  John Z.
Hiking Committee:  Jim A., Jorge A.
Activities Coordinator:  Joyce Grosso
Thought of the Day Sandy P.

If any SCRCR Members need an SCRCR nametag, see Larry L.


§  Every January mid-month a food collection of goodies and treats for the Marana Fire Department.

§  Every June mid-month a food collection of goodies and treats for the Marana Police Department.

§  Four times a year to the Gaslight Theater with dinner preceding the theater.

§  Every Spring a picnic instead of a meeting on a Thursday.

§  Every Fall a picnic instead of a meeting on a Thursday.

§  Every other 1st Thursday of the month Winter months only, a guest medical speaker from North West Community Hospital.

§  Every 2nd Thursday of the month will be birthday celebrations.

§  Every 3rd Thursday of the month will be lunch at The Station following the meeting and games.

§  Craig S. will give pinochle lessons to whoever wants them.  A big thank you Craig!