Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for December 1, 2016

Minutes of Meeting for December 1, 2016

1.       Call to Order:   Iles W., began the meeting at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by us all singing God Bless America.   Iles then introduced Dr. Michael Amini, a surgeon whose primary area is hip, knee and shoulder replacement BUT he does a lot of it with robotic assistance as they have found it is much more precise.  It was very interesting.
Iles also asked again for us to get to either him or one of the board members your choice for “Person of the Year” to be awarded at the first meeting of the New Year which is rapidly approaching.  Please give one of us your input ASAP.  Thanks.
2.       Host/Hostess:  Susan D.   No Barb today, she had a little fender-bender the night before but she is OK, thank God.  Susan said there were 51 in attendance today.  Not only that we welcomed back Jeanette and Mike T.  We have missed them and they looked terrific!!!  Also Ed and Elaine D., were back and they have been missed as well.   Welcome back!
3.       Vice-President:   Larry L.:   Still 118 SCRCR members total. 
4.       Secretary:   Kristi G.:  Minutes for November 17, 2016 were approved and accepted.  No minutes for November 24th because it was Thanksgiving and we didn’t have a meeting.
5.      Treasurer:  Carol A.:   We have $1,007.00 in the bank. 
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Sunshine Sandy P.:   Dorie is doing great but still waiting to hear from the doctor what they are going to do with the third tumor.  Need to keep Dorie in our prayers.  Also Cheryl W. is getting knee replacement surgery on Tuesday so we need to hold her in prayer as well. 
b.       Historian:  Magda Q.:  Magda thanked everyone as always for the can tabs.  She is going to try to set up a “field trip” for us to Ronald McDonald House so we can see what happens with all these tabs.  She says that they have great huge barrels that they put them in and then take them to be recycled and collect the cash in order to help parents stay there when their child is getting treatment.  Worthy, worthy cause.
Magda also asked for volunteers to think up and make the Christmas decorations for our Christmas party next year.  She and a few others have been doing it since the beginning and we need to have some new help.  Thanks to Val R. who has great ideas and helped last year and this.
c.       Busybody: Elaine H.:  Just reminded the new folks that she keeps all emergency contact information if needed by a family member, etc., and to please get all info in before the new year.
d.       Philanthropy:  Jim A. reminded us that Christmas is coming and the Food Bank will be in even greater need of food and/or money (preferably money cause it’s easier to carry J
e.       Activities:  Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below). 

7.      Group Concerns/Good of the Group:

·         Dorie Z. told of a recent encounter with one of Marana’s motorcycle policemen, in regard to driving in school zones.  Not only are you to drive only 15 mph, but you should not pass anyone in a school zone.  If they are going only 10 mph then you go 10 mph.  Also Jim A. brought up that just because you are past the one slow zone, don’t speed up until you are past the marker on the other side of the road.
·         Val and Rich R. invited everyone to their lovely home on Tuesday December 20th for their annual Christmas party.  Please bring a dish to share and arrive around 6:30.
·         Sharon S. thanked everyone again for their donations of Legos for Banner Children’s Hospital.
·         Jim A. reported that they hiked in Madera Canyon this week and saw wild turkeys and deer.  It was a lovely hike.
8.      Thought of the Day: Sandy P.  Sandy told a lovely thought of the day.
9.       Adjournment:  Iles W.:  Meeting was adjourned at 10:44 AM.