Minutes of Meeting for August 4, 2016
1. Call to Order: Larry L., started this session at 9:30 am with the Pledge of Allegiance and in singing God Bless America. Walt R. and Jim A., both shared cute jokes.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L., happy to see everyone as always and that we had 41 in attendance today. Barb also commented on the loving and generous character of our group upon seeing all the foodstuffs brought in for the police department! Your response was overwhelming! Our baskets were bursting with goodies from store bought to home made. Barb and Cheryl W. took their goodies to the Marana Road facility and Rose, Hilde and Kristi took to the Ina Road sub-station, complete with the thank you cards supplied by Magda. Kristi heard from the Marana Road location later in the afternoon that they were thrilled. Kristi has also since heard from Ina Road and they were overwhelmed as well. We certainly did our good deed and I want to personally thank everyone again for their participation. I know Magda joins me in this thanks as she thought of this and it was so great that everyone was on board with it.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: 114 SCRCR members total.
4. Secretary: Kristi G.: Minutes for July 28, 2016 were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Carol A.: We have $2,341.00 in the bank.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Sunshine: Sandy P.: Jorge A. is recovering nicely from a kidney procedure.
b. Historian: Magda: No report
c. Philanthropy: Jim A.: No report.
d. Busybody: Elaine H.: No report.
e. Activities: Rose M.: reported on the schedule of activities (see below).
7. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: I apologize, but I cannot remember who brought up the subject of telephone scammers once again. We have to be wary.
Hilde brought up the subject of home security cameras due to a friend who was having a problem with a stalker. Jim A. also brought up that there were break-ins of homes near him and Linda. Kristi told the group that she and her son have started a business where he installs security cameras (along with sound systems, home theaters, and much more) outside your home so that you can view on your phone, your computer, your television or all 3. She has business cards if you would like one.
8. Thought of the Day: Sandy P. closed the meeting with a great thought along with a couple of cute sayings.
9. Adjournment: Larry L.: The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 AM.