Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 13, 2015
1. Call to Order: Iles : The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance @ 9:30am. Iles announced that we would be celebrating birthdays today. Those present shared some personal information. This was followed by jokes.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb and Susan welcomed back those who have been gone for a while.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: 109 members and 43 attended today.
4. Secretary: Jeanne L.: Minutes of last week were approved and accepted.
5. Treasurer: Carol: $2,110.00 is the current balance in the treasury.
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each
b. Sunshine: Nancy P.: a.)Barbara R. is tending to a family member suffering from cancer. b.)
Tony P. has been ill but is recovering. c.) Dorothy B. will be having oral surgery. d.)Phyllis R. is dealing with a case of bronchitis.
c. Historian: Magda: No new report. Magda has a large bag of crushed aluminum cans if anyone is collecting these for a donation.
d. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent). Jim A. will make a trip to the food bank this week and then Walt R. will take over in Jim’s absence.
7. Busybody: Gladys: (absent).
8. Activities: Rose M.: a.) Jim announced that there are still a few seats available for the Gaslight theatre performance on Oct. 13th. Tickets are $15.00 each. Dinner will be a Little Anthony’s diner. Money is due by Sept. 18th. b.)Edna announced that reservations for the Arizona Opry have been made for Saturday Feb. 13, starting at 12:00 Noon (lunch). Performance starts at 1:15pm. Cost is $39.00 per person. See agenda for upcoming events. In the future, the agenda will show only those activities which have been organized for the group. A link will be provided to see what is happening in the community.
9. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Greek Festival Sept. 24-27 at the Greek Orthodox Church on 1145 N. Ft. Lowell. Lily O. will have tickets. b.) Rose M. will check with Sunflower to see if any trips are being planned and if members of SCRCR can attend. c.) Joey asks if anyone has old pillows, animal toys, blankets, rugs, etc. that she can take to the animal shelter. She will be happy to pick them up if she is contacted. d.) Armando had some questions for Larry about Windows 10. Larry reported that he has found no adverse conditions with it – seems to work fine.
10. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: (absent)
11. Adjournment: Iles shared a closing joke with the group. Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM.