Minutes of Meeting of June 11, 2015
1. Call to Order: Iles opened the meeting at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced those who are celebrating birthdays this month and those celebrants present shared some personal information about themselves. Iles then informed the group about a potential change regarding the Most Valuable Person award. Instead of limiting the award to a one time occurrence, he proposed that the “one time only” be removed from the description in the by-laws. The group will have a week to process this and a vote will be taken when a quorum is present at the meeting.
2. Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Janet Kells was present at the meeting along with a relative of hers. Barbara and Susan will be absent for a couple of weeks and mention was made as to coverage while they are gone.
3. Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 102 members. 37 members attended today’s meeting.
4. Secretary: Jennette T.: Jeanne L. covered today for Jennette who remains hospitalized. Minutes of 06/04/15 were approved and accepted. Jeanne noted that the group received a than you letter from the Marana Food Bank.
5. Treasurer: Carol: Reported that the total treasury amount is: $2,270.00 (no change from last week).
6. Coordinators’ Reports:
a. Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each
b. Sunshine: Nancy P: a.) Nancy gave an update on Jennette’s condition. She is now at Life Care Center but her condition has not changed much. No visitors at this time. b.) Jorge is doing well in his recovery. c.) Dorey K. is recovering well.
c. Historian: Magda: absent.
d. Philanthropy: John Z. and Mike T.: (absent). Jim A. reported that he will be taking a donation to the food bank this week. Jim will be gone next week.
e. Busybody: Gladys: Gladys is up to date so far on emergency information from group members. If anyone has travel size toiletries that they would like to donate, Gladys will collect these for the Women’s Shelter.
7. Activities: Rose M.: Please check the agenda for the tentative schedule.
8. Group Concerns/Good of the Group: a.) Linda A. has one free ticket for the upcoming performance at the
Gaslight theatre, courtesy of Patty H. b.) Rose reminded the group that ADOT will be making a presentation on the renovation of the overpass on Ina Rd. tonight at Coyote Trails School. c.) Larry recommended that computer owners clean their computers by: shutting the computer off, take the vacuum hose with brush and clean off the vents.
9. Thought of the Day: Sandy P.: (absent) Iles closed the meeting with a thought for the day and a closing joke.
10. Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 AM.