Minutes of Meeting of July 24, 2014
- Call to Order: Dorothy opened the meeting at 9:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance, after which she again shared some great jokes.
- Host/Hostess: Barb L. and Susan D.: Barb issued a big welcome back to Susan! No guests or new members this week.
- Vice-President: Larry L.: We have 103 members. A current roster is complete and has been e-mailed or handed out in print form to those who do not have access to computers.
- Secretary: Jeanne is covering for Barbara until her return. Minutes of last week were approved and accepted. 41 members attended today.
- Treasurer: Carol: The total in the treasury is now at $1220.00. A motion was passed approving Carol’s use of treasury money for pre-printed deposit slips.
- Coordinators’ Reports:
- Refreshments: Coffee and pastries are 1.00 each.
- Sunshine: Sandy P. (absent): Nancy gave us an update on Tony’s condition and she also had information on when to use the emergency room, urgent care or to call 911.
- Historian: Magda: No new report. Magda is requesting more tab tops for Ronald McDonald House.
- Philanthropy: Mike T.: $6.00 and 38# of food went to the food bank.
- Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
- Activities: Joyce: Signup sheets are available through August for upcoming lunches and dinners. Some changes have been made so please check the agenda.
- Group Concerns/Good of the Group): a.) A motion was passed to approve the addition of Mike T. to the nominating committee. b.) JoAnn gave us a rundown on the Marana Town Meeting and the upcoming changes, some of which are: Monkey Business will be a restaurant /bar named "Home Plate" (still in planning stage); an overpass is scheduled for Ina Rd. in 2016; Outlet Malls should be complete in 2016; Dunkin Donuts and Village Inn should be opening off of Cortaro near Arizona Pavilions. c.) Betty B. requested donations of toiletries, baby products, bottled water, etc. for the homeless. This is being sponsored by her church. Any questions, please contact Betty. d.) Susan D. requested prayers for her 11 yr. old granddaughter who is dealing with serious medical issues.
- Thought of the Day: Jennette T. left us with a very funny but appropriate thought of the day!!!! Per Will Rogers: "Never miss a good chance to shut up"!
- Adjournment: Dorothy: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.