Thursday, December 5, 2013

Minutes of Meeting of November 21, 2013

Minutes of Meeting of November21, 2013
1.       Call to Order:   Lou M. - The meeting was opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lily’s church had their jewelry sale. Reminder: Bring in your baby pictures and Christmas presents this week.
2.       Host/Hostess:   Barbara L. – No guests.
3.       Vice-President:  Dorothy B. - There are currently 96 members.
4.       Secretary:  Joyce G. - 54 members attended today. The minutes were approved.
5.       Treasurer:  Carol A. - There is $848.00 in the general account and $34.00 in the coffee account.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.       Refreshments: Money for coffee was taken from the donation basket. 
b.      Sunshine:  Tressie S. -  George was in the hospital. Betty was back. Eva is having radiation treatments and brought in a signup sheet to provide rides. If you can help, contact Eva to see what she still needs. Agnes had her operation and may need another, but she needs to gain some weight first. Mary M. is home.
c.       Historian:  Magda Q. - Please continue to collect tab pulls.
d.      Philanthropy:  John Z. is taking over deliveries to the food bank.
e.      Busybody: JoAnn R. – Joan reminded everyone about our box for Christmas cards for members. She suggested that you put your name on the back of the envelope in case it cannot be delivered.  We are again going to provide Christmas gifts for needy children in the Marana School District. Walt suggested that we bring them to the Dec 5th meeting to allow time to distribute. There are a lot of toys collected for the younger children, but not much for older ones. It was suggested that gift cards to Walmart, Target, etc. would be a good choice.
f.        Activities:  Alice B. –  .
g.       Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for changes and details.
7.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group):  . Jim and his committee have identified several possibilities for our meetings. Lord of Grace Church, conference room at Urgent Care, Monkey Business. Betty reminded us she is collecting jackets and blankets for the homeless.
8.       Adjournment:     Lou: The meeting was adjourned at 10:17.

The Rock N’ Java is sponsoring the The Diamonds Vocal Band featuring Mel Rivers, formally from three Drifters on Dec.7th at 8:00 pm.. If you like music from this era, it would be nice show of appreciation for their hospitality.