Friday, June 1, 2012

Minutes of Meeting of May 31, 2012

1.       Call to Order:   Jim: The meeting opened at 9:30 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by puzzling (?) questions about Chicago; some of the answers were a bit slow in coming.
2.       Host/Hostess:   Alice and Dennis: Donna, Magda and Edna were welcomed back.
3.       Vice-President:  Joan: We have 82 SCRCR members. Joan related a “non-offensive” story.
4.       Secretary:  Jeanne absent, Lew recorded: 38 members attended today. SCRCR minutes of May 24 were approved and accepted.
5.       Treasurer:  Walt: The total in the treasury and petty cash is $1,266.65 -- small change since last week. An investigation at Taste of Texas re catering our Christmas Party revealed that it would cost $1,500 to reserve the room. Paul suggested asking the Rock and Java establishment on Twin Peaks Road, currently used for church meetings (near the Windmill area); Jim will check it out.
6.       Coordinators’ Reports:
a.      Refreshments: Betty:  Today: Dan, Donna and Linda. Next: Magda & Armando with Joan T.
b.      Sunshine:  Linda D:  a.) Joan M. is back in assisted living at The Inn at The Fountains.  b.) Iris is in good spirits.
c.       Historian:  Magda: She and her family enjoyed a historical (hysterical?) trip to Washington. On Memorial Day they visited the Arlington Cemetery when it was 95o and 100 % humidity. Magda climbed the Supreme Court stairs, saw the effects of 9/11, and managed (as a Historian) to get a library card at the court. She was thrilled to witness the “Rolling Thunder” of thousands of motor bikes.
d.      Philanthropy: Betty: No food went to the Food Bank this week.
e.      Busybody: JoAnn: No new report.
7.        Activities:  Joyce G.: Please see the upcoming events in the agenda for details -- no changes; there is a light schedule for June through August. 
a) The AGAM lunch today is at New Town, the Chinese buffet near Cracker Barrel. Some members liked The Station lunch last week, some didn’t; 13 had signed but 20 showed up. b.) About 20 members enjoyed the Big Band Music Session at The Fountains, thanks Dennis. 
c.) Signup sheets are out for Gaslight Theatre performances; the count remains at 9 who have signed up for the upcoming performance.
8.       Group Concerns/Good of the Group):   
a.) Jim discussed an e-mail that had been sent to all members giving details of several Life Long Care printouts sponsored by the State of Arizona, thanks Lew. He also mentioned Osher Life Long Learning (OLLIE) which is worth the cost of $250 per year. 
b.) Contact Bo if you have any hazardous waste that you would like disposed of. Also, he is having a garage sale on 15 & 16 June if you would like to get rid of any unwanted but usable stuff. 
c.) Bonnie had an anniversary was last week. 
d.) Mike Rebro would like someone else to take over the SCRCR Blog; Jim said he would try it. Lew mentioned that he maintains a Time Line record of all “significant” events recorded in SCRCR minutes back to 1994.
9.       Adjournment: Jim: The meeting was adjourned at 10:06AM.
Upcoming SCRCR Events
Wednesdays: TOPS (take-off-pounds-sensibly) group meets weekly at the center at 10:00 AM.
Thursdays: Regular SCRCR meeting at 9:00 AM in the center, unless preempted below.
Wed. June 6: Kartschner Caverns. This event is postponed until the Fall when The Big Room will be open.
Fri. June 8: Casino.
Mon. June 11: The Gallery for lunch. Car pool @ 11:30AM. Lunch@ 12:00PM.
Thurs. June 14: Birthdays.
Sun. June 17: Father’s Day Brunch at Bisbee Breakfast Club. Car pool @ 11:30AM. Brunch @ 12:00PM.
Fri. June 22: International Wildlife Museum. Car pool @ 11:00AM. Lunch at Mosaic Café @ 11:30AM.
Museum @ 1:00PM